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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

What's with the Abortion campaign?


TOOK CIVICS IN HIGH SCHOOL and we cowboys griped about there being so much to know on the Constitution.  Why did we have t memorize the rights covered in each amendment in the Bill of Rights? The teacher was an immigrant and he had no sympathy for us lazy American kids.  “It is because someday you’ll be in a meeting and someone will say something against your rights.  Say, you are in a city meeting and the fire station has been destroyed by a storm.  One city councilman suggests that for the good of the city, all citizens should be forced to keep a firemen overnight. But you should stand up and say, “No Charlie!  Remember that violates the 3rd Amendment. We can’t do that.” And he would say, “Oh, yeah, I forgot.  You’re right.” Every American should have these rights on the tip of their tongue.  Anyone who tries to take them away will be stared down by every citizen, and you won’t have to live under a tyrant like we did.”

            Today, Biden said he wanted to codify a universal right to an abortion.  “No, Joe, the Supreme Court has said with a resounding vote that they find no such right in the Constitution. And Amendment 9 says there are likely to be some other rights.  But Amendment 10 says that if they aren’t among the enumerated rights of the Constitution, they are reserved to the states. And the opinions of the court say exactly that---it has now become a state’s issue.” Thus if Congress passes a statute, it will be struck down flat, as if SCOTUS were to say, “Didn’t you listen to what we said?”  But of course, people could pass a Constitutional Amendment—2/3 both houses and ¾ of the states. Good luck getting that!

            So in the end, not much changes.  All the abortion clinics in liberal states will stay open. 11 states have no abortion clinics and practically speaking, it makes no difference if they pass a ban.  8 others have strict regulations and only one clinic in the state. Nobody is going to change much of this.

            And if you run for Congress or Senate, you will have NO say.  You need to run for state office to have a stay. So why does no one in the media not shoot this straw dog? Maybe they didn't take Civics. 

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