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Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Revival that started Independence

The Great Awakening was a phenomenal religious revival in Colonial America.  Oddly. it started through spiritual poverty.

            Unlike the French and Spanish who directed colonies in a planned format, with an omnipresent state, professional bureaucracy, and little local representation, the Brits had no money to spend. So they let adventurers and businessmen do it.  Colonies were established as charters by investors, or proprietary by important men of means.  Thus England got colonies largely for nothing but that meant colonies had to be self-supporting.  By the 1680s the crown began to wrest back control. 9 of 13 became crown colonies via revoked charters.  That failed. English meanness of appointed governors was matched by colonials demanding local parliaments.  Advisors, picked from the House of Lords never left England. American colonies had written constitutions which Britain never had.  British law only had precedents.  Constitutions inevitably made one think of rights, natural law, and absolutes.  British practicality, abhorred such things--“abstract stuff”. And so gradually common men of the lower houses began to take power in the colonies.  A bad royal proclamation would not stick.  A mob would oppose it, whose leaders were likely popular officials of the local government.

            Colonial government was kept very, very limited. Psalm 146:3 says “Trust not in princes.” Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.” (i.e., some things don’t belong to Caesar.)  It was hard to collect from backwoodsmen. American colonies were the least taxed perhaps in all history.  A few colonies had no tax at all until 1760, raising all funds by criminal fines and a few small fees.  No taxes meant people had 100% disposable income.  The colonial economy grew by 500% from 1700 to 1750 as population doubled every generation. This 4% growth rate might seem logical.  After all it was free land with many resources.  But it was also extremely remote and 4000 miles to a cash market.  People were sparse and skilled craftsmen far more so. Frontiers were dangerous. These sorts of conditions are why places like New Zealand never had rapid growth. With the good economy, many grew rich and secular. A German immigrant remarked, “Pennsylvania is heaven for farmers, paradise for artisans and hell for preachers.” America was spiritually impoverished.  But it was among Penn’s German refugees from the Thirty Years War, who saw nothing but God’s grace at work.  In 1719, a Reformed German pastor Theodore Frelinghuysen, led a series of “revival meetings” in the Raritan valley.  The movement began not in cities, but in the countryside, where it was a rare treat to hear a sermon.  The few pastors were anxious to have the illiterate listeners read the Bible for themselves and so reading programs and Bible [printing] Societies boomed.  William Tennent, a NJ Presbyterian pastor in the 1720s, started travelling to remote areas where he and his son practiced “firey preaching and rip-roaring hymn-singing.” His Log College later moved and became Princeton. Jonathan Edwards of Massachusetts was intrigued by this.  But he de-emphasized preaching the Puritan message of “God chose some, not others” with hellfire sermons.  He added more Gospel to the Law and instructions on how to have a fruitful life.  Finally it was George Whitefield who caused a sensation. He was a Billy Graham-style preacher who went on the first continental tour stopping daily to tent preach two stirring sermons a day.

            The country exploded with faith. In 20 months, 1740-1742, church attendance tripled. In every church there seemed to be town drunks who found a new life of faith or known thieves who paid people back. Bibles abounded in homes.  This same Whitefield reaction happened in Catholic Maryland, Lutheran Delaware and Anglican Virginia.  People read it in the papers and began to say, ‘Look! We are all alike!’  “The United States” was uttered for the first time. America had become a country of religious tolerance where free will, moral purity, personal faith, help thy neighbor, and appreciation of God’s word superseded European wars. John Adams put it, “The Revolution was effected before the War…in the minds and hearts of people; and change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations.”

Tom and the Pirates

Tom came home from the war and just weeks after he had come home, his wife died leaving him with 3 young daughters.  It broke his heart and nearly broke his mind.  He would hitch up the horses to the wagon and he and his ten year old daughter, Margaret, would ride around the farm endlessly saying nothing.  Neighbors noticed and they appealed to his neighbor, George, who maybe could do something.  And so George Washington asked Thomas Jefferson if he would be his ambassador to France.  Tom knew he needed a change of scenery and agreed.  He Margaret with him intending to send for the two younger girls, Mary who was six and Lucy who was just 2 when he was settled in in Paris.  A month after he got to France he got a letter from Aunt Eppie who was taking care of the girls.  Lucy had contracted whooping cough and died.  Now Tom was really broken up and determined to get Mary over to France to be with him. 

            But there was a problem.  The Muslim Barbary States of northern Africa had fleets of pirates who preyed on shipping.  They would take over a ship for a prize and then hold the passengers and crew for ransom or worse enslave them.  The things they did to children were unspeakable, making little girls sex slaves in harems and castrating little boys and making them eunuchs, forced conversions to Islam. One day Tom had dinner with the Ambassador of Tripoli and he asked him, “Sir, our country means no harm to yours.  Is there any possibility you could stop pirating our ships?” And the ambassador said, “No.”  According to his holy book, the Quran,” Abdrahaman said, “all nations who have not acknowledged the Prophet are sinners and subhumans, whom it is the Right and Duty of the Faithful to plunder and enslave.” Jefferson couldn’t believe what he was hearing!  But being an intellectual, he thought, I will check it out, get a copy of the Quran to read to see if Abdrahaman knows what he is talking about. So Tom found a Quran, translated into French, and read it. “Wow!  That Muslim is correct!” Therefore, we can only deal with the Barbary Pirates with force.  We must build a navy and go after them.  This was ironic because Jefferson was the pacificist who had argued to disband the army just a couple years before.  So he wrote a letter asking Congress to build a navy when he returned home to the job of Washington’s Secretary of State.  USA did build a navy and then as President, Thomas Jefferson built a bigger navy and the rest is history.  Stephen Decatur and the Marines burned Tripoli harbor and tiny USA put the Barbary Pirates out of business. The emirates stopped all pirate activity, even against other countries. 

            One of the great indicators of the truth of the gospel is that it points to eternal truth instead of getting bogged down in some in a mindset of the moment.  Much of Islam is steeped in Arab culture’s faults—cruelty, polygamy, slavery.  Quran, Sura 9:3 says “terrorize the infidels and beleaguer them.  Cut off their heads and cut off their fingers.” Hard as it may be for some to accept, Islam is at war with us. Yet we have the Eternal Savior. I’ve read the end of His book. We will win.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Paddy's Day

 You know you live in a small town when you still can't find corned beef during St. Patrick's week. Here's something to chew on. I ran it last year.                         

Patricius was 12 years old. One day he and his buddies decided to go swimming instead of going to school.  It was about the year 397, a long time ago. And Patrick lived in Britain.  At that time, the Roman Empire, which had protected everyone, no longer did it very well. What Pat and his friends didn’t know was that some fierce Irish Celts were waiting to capture them and take them across the ocean to Ireland as slaves.  And so Patrick and friends just disappeared and their parents were heartbroken.  As a slave Patrick had only a gunny sack to wear, hardly anything to eat and he had to watch and herd of a hundred head of cattle in the pastures.  He had to herd and guard the cows, day and night, winter snows, summer heat, rain, come what may, Patrick was out in it.  If he lost calves, he was beaten. What do you do when you are in an impossible situation?  Patrick began to pray.  He didn’t simply pray about what he wanted, but he began to talk to God as if God was his last friend on earth.  He would pray hundreds of times a day telling about all his troubles and just trying to remember the Christian faith he had been taught.  The Irish weren’t Christians.  They worshiped a sun god and thought that spirits were everywhere in plants and rocks and animals. So everything in nature was important to the Irish. Patrick knew he was going to be a slave for the rest of his life. He learned his job and all about the land he now found himself in, a green country of clover (shamrock) pastures and lots of rain.  Patrick had truly become Irish by the end of 10 long years.  He talked to God continually and had dreams.  Finally one night, a dream came with orders to leave. If he was caught he’d be killed!  Though not knowing where he was, Pat just started walking.  It was amazing that no one saw or bothered to stop this runaway slave! Eventually he walked to the seashore.   Patrick saw a merchant ship and went to talk to the sailors, telling them plainly that he was from Breton and wanted to go home.  Sure, said the crafty sailors, thinking they would just sell him again when they got to another place.  So they invited Patrick aboard and set sail first for the coast of Gaul (France), to trade a few things. 

     When they got to Gaul, it was disaster everywhere.  The seaport had been burned to the ground and no longer existed. There were no people or animals.  It was the year 408 AD and the previous winter had been a record cold one.  The Rhine River rarely freezes but it had frozen so solidly that thousands of barbarian Germans could walk across the river.  Over a quarter million German Franks swarmed into Gaul. They were fiercer than the even the Irish.  They stole everything they could from the towns, ate the food and killed most of the people.  This is what the surprised sailors now saw.  After finding nothing to eat, the starving sailors taunted Patrick about praying to his Christian God.  Patrick looked them squarely in the eye and said that if they would pray with him, then God would provide for them as He had done so many times before.  So the hungry sailors tried a moment of faith, and in the midst of the prayer, a herd of hogs came running over the hill and down the road straight at the men.  A feast.  Hogs were killed and they held a barbecue. At that point the sailors began to say maybe they should take this slave kid home since he had some sort of power they feared.

     Home in Britain, Patrick struggled to catch up in school and didn’t do very well.  He became a priest but wasn’t very good at just holding church on Sunday.  Still he prayed tirelessly and had dreams.  One night an old Irish friend appeared in his dream begging him to come to Ireland again.  If he did that, would they capture him and make him a slave again?  Despite his fears, Patrick wanted to share the good news about Jesus Christ and all it meant with the Irish.  So he left for Ireland.  He walked right into the leading king’s judgment hall and told his story bravely.  Why didn’t the King of Limerick have him arrested and enslaved?  In a warrior society, bravery, a good storyteller, generosity, and loyalty were the signs of a tremendous warrior.  Here was Patrick, coming fearlessly and ardently wanting to give the king the secret to all of life.  Now that’s generous! He told a fascinating story of how God led him to freedom. Now he was here, more loyal to Ireland than to Breton his home.  That was quite impressive to the Irish Celts.  Right there and then, the king decided that he wanted to be a Christian like Pat.  Patrick went out with the king’s blessing and traveled to his former owner, who was so astonished by Patrick that it moved him to praise Patrick’s God and ask if he could have such faith.  From one end of Ireland to the other, Patrick traveled preaching the message and God converted the Irish.  They asked a lot of questions.  How could there be one God yet 3 persons?  Patrick reached down and pulled up a shamrock leaf.  See, there are three leaves but one shamrock leaf, he told them, and all of the pastures of Ireland tell us this.  How could Mary have been a virgin and yet have given birth?  It was God’s miracle, just like a cow having twins, Patrick said.  But was this God of Christ as important as the old Irish Sun god, whose symbol was a ring? Patrick drew a cross overlapping the ring and told them that God in heaven is both the creator (ring) and the One who sent his Son to die because he loved them so much (cross). Surely, such love is the greatest of all things. Eventually, Patrick also taught them how to read and farm as well.  And so a strange thing happened.  As the Roman Empire collapsed and barbarians took over, Ireland became more civilized.  By the time Patrick died, the Irish, had built churches and monasteries around the country and were copying not only the Bible but also other old books eagerly.  Much of the classic Roman literature we have today comes from books saved and recopied by the Irish.  Some decided they wanted to be like Patrick and take the gospel message back to the continent and convert those bloodthirsty German barbarians.  Over about 200 years, the Irish saved European civilization. 

           Patrick of Ireland was the first Christian missionary after Paul. A one-time slave brought civilization and salvation to the Celts who in turn saved much of Europe in the Dark Ages. Green, national color of Ireland, is the color of new life in Jesus Christ, Patrick explained.  Thus we wear green to commemorate the day he died, March 17, 461, St. Patrick’s Day.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mae West

In 1925, a young vaudeville jazz singer, Mildred Mae Westerly, had a nearly tragic run-in with the Firemen’s mascot monkey in a place called Ponca City, Oklahoma. The train carrying the show arrived at the depot and following tradition of vaudeville shows--the cast had a parade down Grand Ave. to announce the show and drum up interest. Mildred was a jazz singer who had 10 little Spitz dogs on leashes with doggie coats to herald her act.  As they turned into the firehouse adjacent the Ponca City Theatre, the dogs encountered a caged monkey the firemen had been given by the 101 Ranch.  The monkey and dogs went wild.  In the ensuing melee, the monkey got hold of Westerly’s hair. It tore out a patch and bruised her face.  As the firemen were putting on some bandages, Mildred took it in stride.  “You know everything crazy happens to me.  I should change my act and do comedy.”  She went home to New York for recovery thinking about what she had said, and she did just that.  Already a Shakespearian actress, she wrote comedy vaudeville skits and changed her stage name back to her real name, Mary Jane Mae West.

            Mae’s dad was Bavarian Catholic and his mother was Irish Catholic-Jewish. But they joined a Presbyterian church at Greenpoint (part of New York City today).  Mae had done stage since the age of 5. In 1926, at 34 she wrote, produced and directed a broadway play, Sex. She wrote scenes about the male-female chase, full of absurdity of what characters really thought.  Men were obsessed with women’s looks and women were half-smart in manipulating. The production did not go over well with city officials, who had received complaints from some religious groups and the theater was raided, with West arrested along with the cast. Her skits were so filled with sexual innuendo it scandalized the Eastern audiences.  She was banned in Boston (that is where we get the term) and run out of New York.  Dejected, she wrote her brother that she hadn’t meant to offend people’s faith, just poke fun of the battle of the sexes and sex of the battle. He told her to hang tough.  So when sentenced to 10 days in jail or pay a fine for “corrupting the morals of youth” she chose jail and played it to the hilt for publicity. West emerged more popular than ever. She wrote Diamond Lil in 1928. And then a funny thing happened. The shows were sellouts in the Midwest. Farm couples, trying to raise large families and used to seeing animal sex all day long, thought her plays, full of double entendres and breezy flirtation a hoot, not a scandal. She went to Hollywood and by 1932 was the best paid actress in film—making dull lines memorable by being outrageously suggestive.

            What Mae really disliked was hypocrisy.  Introduced to William Randolph Hearst and his mistress, she made a comment over their relationship that got her in trouble. Hearst went on the warpath. At one point, he asked aloud, "Isn't it time Congress did something about the Mae West menace?" Paramount executives felt they had to tone down the West characterization, or face further recrimination. This may be surprising by today's standards, as West's films contained no nudity, no profanity and very little violence. Though raised in an era when women held second-place roles in society, West portrayed confident women who were not afraid to use their wiles to get what they wanted. "I was the first liberated woman, you know. No guy was going to get the best of me. That's what I wrote all my scripts about." In 1940 her double entendres got her into trouble amazingly enough with Edgar Bergen’s ventriloquist dummy, Charlie McCarthy, on the radio, no less. Her career began to languish in the backlash. 

            But raised a Presbyterian, Mae attended church often, took care of her mother, brother and many others for years. She tithed and picked up Scot investment savvy.  “I need God more than anyone else,” she is to have said.  As her career waned, her wealth grew and she spent a long retirement as a philantropist.  Which I suppose proves that Christians aren’t perfect, we are redeemed.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


This should give a chuckle.  Reprint of a  British Historian from 1950, who was trying to explain US politics to the Brits.  He said that you could understand it by who had immigrated where.  New England was all Puritan Calvinists from East Anglia (Southeast) who are stern, untalkative and controlling.  The South was migrants from West England who are ultra-traditional and conservative.  Mid Atlantic states were Midlanders where many ideas mingled.  They were tolerant and loved new stuff.  Then there was New York.  Ill-supported by the Dutch, the colony was like an orphan child.  It had to make money on its own and so smugglers, pirates, hawksters, prostitutes and just about anybody did business there.  New Yorkers didn’t question your beliefs and to this day almost distrust you if you have any beliefs whatsoever (ahem!). 

            New York was home to the first big court case of colonial America.  Here’s background.  British America grew like crazy in the 1700s.  Strictly speaking the colonies were supposed to stick with agriculture and Parliament tended to think of Americans as ill-educated, poor, with one significant crop, tobacco.  But in violation of laws, America was rapidly becoming secretly industrial. Craftsmen were in short supply and could easily go into business for themselves.  Thus Americans never formed guilds or struck employers. An average man ate 10 ounces of meat a day and women had an average of 7 healthy children.  Farms were typically 100 acres, gigantic by Brit standards. And the place was growing like wildfire. 1700 to 1750 had 4% annual economic growth and the population passed 1 million.  If you compared New York to Quebec, French Quebec had been heavily subsidized by France for fur trade.  Yet by 1750 it still had only 60,000 people where the Hudson Valley had over 100,000 who had come from everywhere—Walloons and Flemings, Swedes, Germans, Norwegians, Scots, English Quakers, Irish, and freed slaves.  This milieu was noisy, acrimonious, faction-ridden, and mixed in faiths.  But nearly all agreed that Truth was what Jesus taught.

            In January 1735, John Peter Zenger, a newspaper owner, was locked up for criticizing the governor, William Crosby. Zenger’s lawyer, Andrew Hamilton of Philadelphia, brought forward a defense that he had merely told the truth.  That would not have been admitted in English court where criminally libelous talk was defined as anything  that fostered ‘ill will against the government.’  The judge tried to overrule the defense, but the jury demanded to hear it nonetheless, and then found the defendant not guilty by reason of Truth.  This became a harbinger of what critics of society could get away with in America. Two of the jurors were Lutherans; 3, Anglicans, who told a newspaper that their reasoning for Truth was as follows.  When we are claimed as believers in God, He puts his Love in us. And according to I Cor. 13, Love is patient and kind, has no envy or pride, not self-seeking, doesn’t delight in evil but Rejoices in Truth.  They found it an offense to their faith to convict a man who tells the truth.  The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  Or as Jesus said, “you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set your free.”