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Friday, January 15, 2016

New York values

Tout le monde of the news media is gleefully proclaiming Trump their hero this morning for his 9/11 response to Cruz’s remarks about New York values.  Yessiree, we New Yorkers are the best of all people because of the way we handled our tragedy. 

            But that’s not what Cruz was talking about.  When Bartiromo, a New York native, demanded Cruz explain what NY values were, he said, “Listen there are many, many wonderful, wonderful working men and women in the state of New York, but everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal, are pro-abortion, are pro-gay marriage, and focus around money and the media.”  Maybe not so smart to bring this up at Fox Business channel where they make a living in money and media.  But Cruz simply described Country Club Republicans--social liberals, often turned off by morality, who demand we talk only of monetary issues that interest them. Note too that Cruz was talking about the City, not the state, and only those who are socially liberal.  No offense, NYC, but we know your values.

            Social issues, like 2nd Amendment, eminent domain, and family values are important out here in “fly-over country” as they term us.  It’s what brought me into active politics.  In 2009, just after Obama was elected, he had EEOC go after Hosanna Lutheran Church and School in Minnesota.  They were told that government had jurisdiction over what kind of ministers they hired.  The church has a school whose teachers are church-sanctioned ministers since they teach religion classes.  Obama demanded they consider job applicants who are say, Muslims or atheists.   The church had to sue the federal government and won a 9-0 decision in the Supreme Court.  Now think about this for a second.  Even Ruth Ginsberg, the former ACLU lawyer, an atheist, agreed that this sort of high-handed behavior by the Obama Administration violates the free exercise clause of the 1st Amendment. The drive-by media rather ignored the decision.   It left me shaking my head in disbelief.  What kind of tyrant have we elected?  What President ever came close to this kind of treatment of Christians? Shouldn’t this be grounds for impeachment? It was at that point that I vowed to get into activist politics.

            The truly weird thing about New York values voters is that they don‘t understand that without the faith/social issues, there would be no free market and all their arguments about money would be null. (no matter what your beliefs about those issues are) If men aren’t free to follow their dreams, the voice of God inside their souls, the mission their faith puts them on (i.e., Liberty!), then the enterprise of man could just as well be governed by government completely.  Socialism, here we come. Forget the stock and bond markets, REITS, Fed policy and TPP.  Forget tax reform.  Forget entrepreneurship.
            Trump may have won the day with his identity politics, but Cruz is right.

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