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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

So how do they Radicalize?

I hear dumb stuff out of journalist’s mouths on TV.  Peter Johnson was promoting the idea that Obama should get sports stars with Islamic names to do commercials saying how dismayed they were that their religion was getting a bad name from the terrorists shootings.  Yeah, except those sports stars are almost entirely Black Muslims.  Black Muslims believe in all sorts of strange stuff not in the Quran or Haditha, are considered infidels and apostates by all the major branches of Islam, and would be highly unlikely to speak out about what Black Muslims teach.  Farrakhan and his followers believe that Afro is the only legitimate human race.  All others are subhumans and will be massacred in the end times.  They hold only about half the teachings of Islam to be valid.  Have you ever seen a football player or basketball player pull out a prayer rug during a game and start bowing to the east?  Me either.  This religion was the invention of an uneducated guy who “borrowed” Islam to legitimize his ideas. 

So here are a few facts I think people should know because it explains things.  First, most Muslims are pretty uninformed about their faith.  They do the simple things like daily prayer recitation.  But the Koran is written in ancient Arabic, the only valid language, and only ½ of a percent of Muslims can read ancient Arabic. And how many of those are devout?  The Koran is a confusing read, a series of poetic dreams and certain parts are invalid, having been abrogated by a later text. (And Muslim sects and scholars disagree quite heatedly over what is valid.) Consequently most Muslims are fairly secular people, often harboring beliefs that are traditions and not according to Islamic scholars.  For example, the idea that Mohammad is sinless is fiercely held, but in the Koran, Mohammad says he isn’t sure he will even make it to heaven.  This secularism explains “peaceful” Muslims.  They just want to get along with the rest of society, especially in the West.  But as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Muslim pundit notes, somewhere between 1/3 and half of all Muslims in the Middle East sympathize with the terrorists.

Faith has everything to do with it (terrorism).  Consider this.  Say you are a devout and peaceful Muslim.  Some guys who are terrorizing the world should make you mad as a hornet, right?  Highjacking your faith, right? So why do so few speak up? The Quran is 80% jihad and commands terrorism. The first sign someone is getting radicalized is they become very devout.   Al Bagdadi, the IS leader has a Phd. in Islamic theology from Al Anser, the leading Sunni University in Cairo.  Bin Laden was also a very learned theologian. So how then do they radicalize on social media? First stage is to write about the faith, to instill devotion and unquestioning allegiance.  Then Islam is distinguished as different and hatred for the rest of the world is ginned up.  The world is accused of hating Muslims and not accepting them.  Hence there is paranoid motivation for the loyal Muslim to kill and terrorize. The system works to feed on itself.  Terror incidents are designed not just to terrorize but also to goad backlash in the non-Muslim world.  Which in turn feeds the emotion of “See, they hate us, so we must kill them.” 

But here’s where the Western media are fools. They presume that this motivates the unemployed and poor.  In fact, just the opposite happens.  The well-off and educated are most radicalized.  Why?  Because there is no love in Allah, only justice.  And all dogs go to hell in Islam.  Muslim and pagan and infidel alike go to hell.  The Muslims get purified and acceptable to Allah who eventually releases them from the torture.  The rest burn forever.  However, there is an escape hatch.  If a Muslim gets killed doing jihad, he goes to heaven right away. (Get out of hell free card--Do not go to hell; do not pass GO; do not collect $200.) Violent Jihad is the way to get Allah’s attention.  So if you’ve had a good life and have it all, the last thing is to acquire the Get Out Of Hell Free Card.  (The poor, like lowly Ahmed in the desert, is just trying to survive with his herd of goats.)

The media and libs are fools because they don’t know the Quran. So many think all religions are just like clubs  you join, with meaningless little rituals.  And because they think of faith in this way, they must assume that radical Muslims pose no credible threat.  Hence there is no plan to deal with terrorism.     

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