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Sunday, December 27, 2015

American as Apple Pie

Hillary and the Democrats defended immigration policies that let the San Bernadino mass murderers enter USA.  The rest of us weren’t so slack-jawed about learning that the terrorists were Muslim.  There seems to be some sort of Trend going on here.  The Media and the Democrats just can’t quite figure it out.  They were counting on Amnesty and a chance to get all those illegals as a solid voting block.  So here, courtesy of Ann Coulter are a few examples of the Trend.

MN Somali gangs trafficking girls for sex—29 Somali immigrants in 2010 were indicted for human trafficking over 100 girls, about half Somalis and half Afro-American plus 3 Caucasian Americans. In 20 years Minnesota has gone from being 99% Scandinavian and German and Polish descent to 20% African immigrant refugees.  In 2002, police shot Abu Kassim Jeilani for walking down the middle of a street waving a machete and then trying to slash the cops.  This caused a civil rights eruption among the Somali community because his “civil rights” had been violated. (In Mogadishu, you can do this.)

Honor killings.  In St. Louis, a Palestinian, Zein Isa taped the murder of his daughter as he stabbed her to death and she shrieked for mercy.  Jurers, who voted for the death penalty, said they would never get that video out of their minds, it was so hideous.  But the Muslim community complained that this verdict did not respect their culture. Actually this is true.  Islam holds that Allah holds entire families responsible for the sins of one person, so to eradicate say, a girl who listens to pop music, an honor killing is called for. (Does this give you a clue why virtually no patents or innovations come out of the Middle East except Israel?)

Boston Bombing. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were allowed into this country via a policy that allows other countries to dump certain problem groups on us when we perceive the officialdom of that country to be bad as well.  From Russia with love. Two years before the bombing Tamerlan and another immigrant from the Peaceful Religion slit the throats of 3 Jewish men on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which, as I recall was also the work of immigrants of the Peaceful Religion who had overstayed visas. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were tremendous assets to America, getting welfare and Fs in school.

Ft. Hood. Major Nidal Malik Hasan was the son of Palestinians and an anchor baby prior to the 1986 Amnesty.  His parents ran a restaurant—a job no American will do. 

Shopping Mall Maul.  The Salt Lake City Trolley Square Mall murders of 2007 were committed by Bosnian immigrant Sulejman Talovic who was a high school dropout with a juvenile record.

College murders. The Appalachian School of Law murders of 3 people by Nigerian immigrant Peter Odighizuwa, who was mad at America because he was flunking law school, occurred in 2002.  He was a 43-year old student who overstayed his visa.  Apparently INS thought he needed to address our chronic shortage of 43-year-old lawyers.

Ali Hassan Abu Kamal shot 2 American musicians in the head atop the Empire State building.  Oh, he was 68 and came with his extended family. Apparently not a pop music fan.

Najibullah Zazi tried to bomb the NY subway but was apprehended.  Functionally illiterate high school dropout and an anchor baby whose parents were Afghani.  His co-conspirators, Zarein Ahmedzay, drove a cab and also came from Afghanistan.  And Adis Medunjanin was Bosnian and actually was a legalized citizen, though he spent his entire childhood in Bosnia.

Mumbai. Daood Sayed Gilani conspired with the Pakistani military to carry out 4 days of terrorists attacks on hotels, movie theatres and hospitals in Mumbai, India.  He had moved to Philadelphia at age 17 and adopted the name David Coleman Headley but had been busted importing heroin from Pakistan.  After Mumbai, NY Times became fascinated with “The Jihadist Next Door” and gave examples of plots that were “leaving intelligence operatives scurrying for answers”.  Those who caused the scurrying were, Najibullah Zazi (Afghan), Daood Sayed Gilani(Pakistani), Umer Farooq (Pakistani), Waqar Khan (Pakistani), Ramy Zamzam (Egyptian), Amed Abdullah Minni (Eritrean), and Aman Hassan Yemer (Ethiopian).  All are members of the Peaceful Religion. And I might add, names worth at least 30 points in Scrabble.  And are giving my spell checker conniption fits as I write this.

27% of terrorists and mass murderers are legal immigrants, 57% are illegals. 59% are members of the Peaceful Religion. You noticing any kind of Trend?

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