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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Cruz plays No Trump

The media is no longer populated by the sort of Mike Ryoko guys who had a pencil on their ear and went about town interviewing and researching topics to write an article.  Instead, they are sit-at-the-computer boobs who read each other and write editorialized articles called ‘advocacy journalism’.  And they are 90% liberals--to heck with accuracy.  A favorite game is he-said-she-said, wherein two people on each side of an issue are posted on television.  Trump knows how to play the press by making bombastic statements.  The media suckers fall for it every time.  They just can’t resist reacting to him and gathering other boobs who want to react to The Donald. Not only does he get huge air time, but Trump resonates with all the people who are so frustrated with Republican leaders that their head is about to explode. 

And then Rush Limbaugh and talk radio can’t help but jab the idiocy of the MSM, so their programs are non-stop punditry of Trump vs. Media.  In this case they side with Trump and he wins again. 

The trouble is, Trump’s statements are a mile wide tsunami and an inch deep.  Go to his website and look for an in-depth proposal and you find nothing.  Even the first things he said are still without strategic planning.  Take for example his talk about rounding up all illegals and sending them back to Latin America, then letting some back in by a big welcoming gate.  How’s he going to round up the drug cartel guys when they would avoid that at all cost?  If we couldn’t find Eric Rudolph, the Olympic Bomber for 2 years despite knowing the county in N. Carolina where he was hiding, how will we ferret out illegals who wish to remain invisible?  And how many illegals will be allowed to return? Is this just back door amnesty?  Never mind, Trump has now gone on to his next topic.  They call it the drive-by media because they pile on some article, which upon inspection is untrue, but then they have gone to the next topic and never revisit in search of Truth.  So too, Donald is a drive-by talker. 

Worse, Trump is no conservative.  Half his bombastic opinions have suddenly appeared in the last few months.  This and the lack of depth, remind me more of salesmanship than statesmanship.  He is an actor who knows how to tell a resonating story, but he may not believe it whatsoever.  If we elect him, will he suddenly go back to his opinions of a couple years ago—single payer healthcare, pro-choice, immigration reform?  Even his brag about being a billionaire should be viewed with critique.  A recent study of billionaires shows that the bottom line (despite diverse political views) of all of them is that they do everything they can to preserve their fortunes.  Worse still, Trump at the helm, calling everyone in Congress a loser and every foreign leader a loser could well find himself the Obama of the Republican party.

Cruz is the only guy who seems to have a thoughtful strategy to take out The Donald.  He refuses to get into the ad hominem attacks and sticks with the issues doggedly.  He is a principled conservative, unflappable over insults and arguments.  This may be what will kill Trump.  A debate in which principles are penultimate would have Trump squealing with insults and rabid generalizations.  But Cruz looks thoughtful and level-headed.  Where Trump looks like the guy who would get into an insult match with Putin, Cruz looks like the better chess player. Where Trump’s best emotion is his anger at the status quo, Cruz has both plans and resonance with the two groups that comprise 80% of Republican voters—the evangelicals (social issues voters) and the small business Mainstreet R’s.  Trump doesn’t talk about how he would de-regulate or abolish the EPA.  Cruz does.  In an issues-only discussion, Trump looks like Floyd R. Turbo.

And so I think, by not taking on Trump in he-said-she-said fashion, Cruz is playing smart. Republicans are conservative and saying conservative things wins big moral support.  That’s why Cruz’s favorables are 60+% while Trump’s are ,40%.   Just leave The Donald foaming at the mouth.  We’ll see if the next 2 months, gives this strategy enough time.  For now, the R’s are Trumpeting.  

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