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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

anybody know Den Ali?

Somebody quipped that Obama has a friend Dennis Ali or Den Ali for short.  He decided to name the big mountain for his friend.  I asked if Ali meant the guy was Muslim.  Senator James Lankford was in town Tuesday and he has been reading the Iran Non-treaty.  It says specifically that if anyone attacks Iran, we have to defend them.  So if Israeli intel finds that the Iranians are aiming a missle at them and take it out with F-16s then it is the sworn duty of USA to ‘stand with the Muslims’ as Obama says in his book. The Senator gets to read and see stuff you and I can’t.  I forgot to ask Lankford if Obama’s architectural drawings of his library show a building with minarets.

Oh well, Hillary decides what is classified, Iran decides what is in compliance, and the federal gov’t decides what your religion means. Fortunately the educators can’t decide on history. They asked me if I wanted to join the Shriners and I declined.  They said, “Why? You’d make a great Shriner!”  I don’t wear a fez.  In the 7th century the city of Fez was besieged and 50,000 Christian inhabitants were massacred. So deep was the blood running in the streets, the gleeful soldiers of The Peaceful Religion dipped their brimless flat-topped caps in the blood to turn them red.  The cap thus became known as a Fez.  I don’t wear such things.  Reminds me of Planned Non-parenthood.  Say, do you know what the difference between a 5 week old unborn baby and PP is?  The baby has a heart.

Let’s see, where was I.  Oh, yeah, Hillary.  Did Dorothy from Kansas throw a bucket of emails on Hillary?  She seems to be melting before our eyes. Her campaign manager explained, “she was a passive recipient of unwitting information that became classified.” So the Passive and Unwitting wants to be Prez? And then all the experts say the classified part happened as the documents are put on a secure government website.  You have to do tricks to remove them and put them on some other document.  Hill laughed and said, “you mean wipe it with a cloth?”  Well, actually, they attached a toilet paper dispenser on the side of that server in the bathroom, I understand. Hillary for Prisondent in 2016.  Somebody called the Democrat bullpen and now all the lefties are warming up.

Trump. When Trump saw Lady Justice with her blindfold and the scales, he said, “Who is that bimbo?”  He kicked Jorge Ramos out of a press conference and 5 minutes later the guy was back.  See, Donald’s deportation orders don’t work any better than Obama’s.  Trump, however, is mad like a lot of people are over robots taking our jobs.  If you fear a robot is taking over your job, here’s how to spot it.  It’s the one who doesn’t pay union dues.  Former Kleagle David Duke has endorsed Trump for Prez.  What? You didn’t know David Duke was still around.  Yeah, he is on a small Louisiana radio station and you have to wear a really pointed hat to get good reception.  You have to watch out for crazy people.  Like on Ramadan, Obama lamented that Americans have a distorted opinion of Muslims.  Wasn’t he the guy who told us they rioted and went wild in Benghazi over a video?

They say someone hacked that Ashley Madison website and published the names of the adulterers.  15,000 addresses match federal workers.  That’s Good!  At least they are showing up for work!  Slick Willie did not deny that he put his credit card on the website but he claims he did not push ‘send’.

I’m votin’ for Carly or Ted.

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