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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Terrorists or just Muslims

            Everywhere I listen, they are claiming that ISIS and other terrorists are not true Muslims, or are hijackers of their faith.  Hence we hear all sorts of excuses about what makes people self-radicalize or join a radical group.  Obama and company seem to be saying that it comes from lack of opportunity and no jobs for Islamic youth. 

            In actual fact the demographics and teachings of Islam point in exactly the opposite direction, that it is the religion itself that radicalizes.  A central deficiency of Islam is that God has no love and all people go to hell upon death except those who earn God’s favor to heaven by doing a life-ending jihad.  These “martyrs” circumvent hell and go straight to heaven.  What of the other Muslims who are in hell?  God lets them suffer for a time, some forever. “But for him whose balance [of good deeds] is light, he will have his home in hell.” Sura 101:6-9.  God has some mercy but it is unpredictable. Hence individuals are in competition for God’s attention.

            Doctor Mark Gabriel, 15 years an imam of Giza, Egypt and scholar of Al-Azhar University of Egypt (Most prestigious Muslim school in Cairo), says that Muslims are scared to death of hell.  Reza Safa, former Iranian terrorist, calls Muslims a people terrorized by their own belief.  What do you do if you are a Muslim who has it all—money, career, family, education?  Your final act of life is to do jihad and go to heaven.  Gabriel says that Allah is something of a cosmic sadist who loves to lead people astray (Sura 6:39,126), and is full of discrimination against women, Christians, and Jews.”There is no guarantee of Paradise, even if you do good works all your life.  It all depends on what Allah decides.” Gabriel, Islam and Terrorism, pg.27

            And so if you look at the demographics of terrorists, you don’t see dregs of society, men of hopelessness, committing jihadic violence.  It is upstanding citizens.  The nineteen 9/11 bombers were all foreign students or engineers working in USA. Just think how privileged they were, select students from a third world country to study in America, and well-paid professionals. The 4 doctors who bombed the Glasgow airport terminal were physicians working in England.  The underwear bomber’s father was an important official in an African government who tried to warn US authorities of his son.  Usama bin Laden was heir to a billion dollars.  These are not hopeless goatherders.  These are influential folks.

            What then of all the peaceful Muslims?  Safa says that these are people who don’t take the faith too seriously, like half-agnostic Christians.  “Secularized Muslims.”   

            And the religion is also politics intermingled inseparably.  Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist movement writes, “Islam is not a normal religion like other religions…are very special because they have a command from Allah to rule the entire world and to be over every nation in the world.  Islam can use every power available every way it can be used to bring worldwide revolution.  This is jihad.”  The Arabic word for war is also the word for deception.  Abi Hamid Al Gahazali, founder of Sufism states: “Know this that lying is not a sin by itself, but if it brings harm to you it could be ugly.  However, you can lie if that will keep you from evil or if it will result in prosperity.”  It is also held by most Muslim sects that if a leader is not behaving according to the Quran, you can denounce him as apostate and kill him. (Justified by the Haditha or writings about Mohammad, which are sacred as is the Quran.) Thus ISIS kills fellow Muslims from the Shiite sect or Jordan or Turkey.

The mindset is to fight evil.  Fight evil and win is to win glory.  Fight evil and lose is to win God’s favor.  Either way, you just fight evil that you perceive. 

            Consequently, there is no compromise with a jihadist.  Social programs don’t work.  Appeasement doesn’t work.  And it is all in the teaching of the Quran, Haditha, and Sharia.   

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