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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Libs and Muslims

Why is it, that Liberals are so careful not to attack Muslims and indeed defend them?  One author I read speculates that they wuss out.  They are scared to confront a true violent and dogmatic theocracy and instead pick on the soft target of Christianity.  I think there is more to it.  Here’s what I think motivates them in order of amount.

            Multiculturalism.  It is a strong belief in lib circles that no culture should dominate.  Hence Islam should be considered an equal.

            Political inclusion.  At one half a percent of US population, Muslims definitely make a minority with distinct values.  The way the Democratic party makes a majority is by enlisting minorities and locking down a significant majority of their vote.  Moreover, about 10% of Afro-Americans are Black Muslims.  That this group is despised by other Muslims doesn’t matter.  Just about every black person in USA has some relative who is a Black Muslim.  So by championing Islam, libs gain the good faith of blacks.

            Purposeful Theological stupidity.  A blind eye is taken to the fact that if America ever came under Muslim influence, the first folks threatened and abused would be the liberals.  But many libs disdain faith, don’t crack the Bible that much so why should they read a Koran?  Thus they naively accept the notion that Islam is peaceful and that fundamentalist Islam is not really Islam.  (Should we tell them that individuals aren’t allowed to interpret Islam as they see fit but must conform to a mullah or imam?)   

It rubs dirt in the eye of a conservative.  Anything a conservative wants, like defense of the country should be opposed in their minds. Stand with the Muslims! 

            Grievance.  Islam does not proselatize very much. Most conversion is not with reason but coercion. When Christians convert they use the explanation of God’s love and pursuit of us, and Jesus Died For My Sins.  Islam can’t do that with an unloving god and no grace at all.  So the way their faith is often argued is with grievance. The West has kept them in subjugation, if not colonially then surely with a tyranny of pop culture.  And this “Group with a grievance” appeals to the liberal mindset which has a whole grievance industry.


Maybe another question should be, “Should Conservatives oppose Islam?”

            Yep.  America was founded on the idea of the American Dream—that you can be the person you aspire to be.  Corollary to that is the Christian notion that God can have a unique relationship with each person and so each should be left to pursue that relationship and the dreams God give him or her.  Islam absolutely does not allow this freedom.  The name Islam means submission and the religion is intertwined with political philosophy.  It is fundamentally at odds with the American Dream and our founding documents.  For instance, freedom of religion is anti-Islamic. All men are definitely not created equal. Murder is often considered a means, not a crime. Sharia is the demand.

            Islam is trying to take  us over.  There is a big tradition of moving elsewhere and taking over just as Mohammad fled Mecca and took over Medina, then returned to subdue Mecca.  Muslims are told to produce as many offspring and bring as many to USA as possible to swell their numbers and at some point they will assert their power over our “corrupt system”.

            Islam is violent.  “Terrorize the infidels and beleaguer them.  Cut off their heads and cut off their fingers.” Sura 9:3, Koran.  The belief that all people go to hell, but possibly God will have inexplicable mercy on you at some point and grant you paradise, terrifies many Muslims.  The only exception to ‘all dogs go to hell’ is that if you die in jihad, God has to honor your effort with an instant place in heaven.  Thus it is not the poor, but the well-off Muslims who strive to achieve that one last thing of making it to heaven with violent jihad.
           They spread their revolution to other Muslims.  A Shiite will give a Sunni a weapon as long as it is directed against the rest of the world.

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