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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Illegal immigration and reform

I guess Senator Chuck U Schumer and Rep. Paul Ryan are having a discussion on immigration reform.  Ryan apparently told Chuck U that the House was going to do it their own way, thank you.  Having had a Mex foster daughter, having followed Mexico’s politics, having talked with hundreds if not thousands of  Mex-Americans about the immigrant problem I think I could be a good advisor to Ryan and the House. 

First problem is the border and the administration's inability to administer the border. (Did we not buy enough maps?) What is needed is a true security of the border.  Dems claim it is already secure since illegal traffic is around 400,000 a year compared to 1.5 million 5 years ago.  No, that is just recession and housing downturn at work.  What is needed is a level of under 20,000 a year to say that we have actually done something.  And this goal needs to be ascertained by an independent body, not Congress or the President.  I suggest a  commission of about 8 or 9 folks, appointed by the states, maybe 4 of whom are appointed by governors of border states—CA, AZ, NM, and TX.  And other consideration might be to heavy entry states like FL, NY, and LA.   Once our border is secured, we can talk about what to do for the 11.7 million illegals.  One might ask what happens if some Slick Leftist takes over and decides to shut down the border for a year—just to get immigration reform done-- then opens it wide again.  Answer: Legislate an allowance for state troopers to assist in ID checks and border violations arrests just as AZ did and was struck down by the court.  But simple cooperation in federal pursuits is not unconstituional.  If state cooperation in Health Exchanges is proper, so is border security.  Secondly, give all current illegals a period of time to register for free residency status.  After that time, anyone without an ID is illegal.  Children of illegals born after the securing of the border will be deemed citizens of their parents country. 

“Now listen, Chuck, Martin Luther once pointed out that you cannot hose down an unsuspecting crowd and pronounce them baptized.  Becoming a Christian takes faith.  Same with becoming an American. You gotta wanna.”  Once the border is secure and we have granted permanent resident alien status to prior immigrants, the pathway to citizenship would have to be one of naturalization and any restitution of back taxes.  If we just give blanket amnesty to all, some will be bad actors. You may be granting citizenship to Hezbollah and Al Qaeda terror cells and Chechnyans (already here) who have only disdain for USA and want to destroy us. Or Latin drug cartel members.  “And you know who they will be bombing, don’t you Chuck?  It ain’t Kearny, Nebraska or Bug Tussle, Oklahoma where the citizens have guns. It’s where Muslims discern centers of moral decadence that are soft targets, like where you live, Chuck. Same argument for drug traffickers.”

The folks who just come to USA simply to have a better life are honored and respected when they don’t get put in the same pot as terrorists and trouble makers. There are huge numbers of advanced degree students sent back to India and Sri Lanka where they have a sad unemployed life.  We Republicans like people who work hard and try to better themselves. We could even trade a few low-life Democrats to the country from which we got the geniuses, as compensation. They could march around with their awareness ribbons and show how to make better marijuana. Sorta like Democrat Peace Corps.
             "Now here’s the deal with Republicans, Chucky.  They worry that the only reason you Dems want amnesty is to get voters.  If all those illegals were likely to become Republicans, you Dems would have built the great wall of China, minefields, and machine gun towers like your socialist friends did. But it is proven that the main reason Hispanics vote Dem is that they are poor and desire handouts.  However, given the long time it takes for naturalization, restitution and the like, we think that their fiscal status will improve.  Plus we plan to show up at naturalization ceremonies with small businessmen in tow who need help and have jobs.  Alas, you Dems don’t have any small businessmen that vote for you. Just leave the job fair to us along with the voter registrations.  We’ll see who wins.”    

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