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Monday, January 18, 2021

2020 Election review of 6 controversial states


2020 election review—a survey of 6 states

This review covers 6 states that had controversial elections. Statistics compiled from articles at Real Clear Politics, Trump speech Jan.5, 2021, Parts of Navarro Report, and NBC News. It is often said that there was NO election fraud. I leave that to the reader’s judgment.

Overall (not final tallies, but close)

Biden     81.28M votes

Trump    74.22M

Others     2.94M

Total     158.44M

2016      136.63M

2012      126.46M

2008      129.39M

Navarro used the technique of postal records and sometimes cell phone locations to check status of voters


Arizona, Trump lost 10,457 of 3.3M cast or 0.3%

Incidents: large numbers of ballots stolen from mailboxes. 3000 were found on a farm.

36,000 cast by illegal/non-citizens

22,000 ballots rec’d before they were sent by state

2000 ballots returned no address

150,000 voters in Maricopa Co. (Phoenix) registered after deadline but allowed to vote.

State counted these ballots mostly and is not allowing verification by outside requests.


Nevada,Trump -34,596 of 1.3M cast or 2.4%

Incidents: Voters were allowed to cast provisional ballots in Clarke Co.(Las Vegas) without ID.  Clarke Co. signature verification machine sensitivity set nearly to zero to accept 130,000 votes. Indian tribe did a car raffle for those who “would vote Democrat” (fed crime)

103,000 votes electronically adjudicated without Republican observer.

42,000 double votes

1500 votes, complete name and date of birth correspond to dead voter

8000 votes from people residing in other states or no address

Nevada refused to recount any of this.


Georgia Trump -11,779 of almost 5 M cast or 0.2%

Incidents: No signature verifications in Fulton Co. (Atlanta). Rate of ballot rejection for absentees has always been about 3%; 202 was 0.2%(Dominion machines)

10,300 ballots dead—date of birth, full names

2,500 felons voted illegally

4,500 not on state rolls voted

18,000 illegal ballots were cast from addresses vacant or unknown to Post Office

88,000 registrations done post-deadline. Votes counted

66,000 voters were underage.

Unknown how much of this was corrected in recount.  







Wisconsin, Trump -20,608 of 3.2M cast or 0.3%

Incidents: WI requires witness for mail-in who must fill his address.  Poll workers statewide told to “add some address” so that all votes could be valid.

500 (illegal by state law) unsecured dropboxes  collected 91,000 votes

170,000 absentee ballots rec’d and counted that never had an application.  All came from Dem counties.

17,000 votes deposited in “human drop boxes” ( a vote harvester with a dufflebag in a park)  in Madison.  State legislature had given cease and desist order to this to no effect.

Postal workers by scores backdated postmarks on 100,000?? Ballots.


Pennsylvania Trump  -93,660 of 7M cast or 1.2%

Nate Silver related that 23,377 ballots in PA had Biden-only votes.  In Philadelphia 18,000+ votes were Biden-only. Trump had 85 Trump only.  Ordinarily about 100 one-vote ballots rec’d. Pennsyvania had 205,000 more votes than registered voters. The state sent 1.8M absentee ballots and got 2.5M in return, a 687,000 excess.

8000 dead voters (name + birth date)

14,000 out-of-state residents voted (postal records)

10,000 votes rec’d after election day (illegal)

60,000 votes rec’d before state sent a ballot by request

25,000 ballots in a single batch were requested by nursing home patients (illegal) Votes were counted.

Count of absentee ballots was reported officially by state day before election day as required. 3 days after election, number had grown miraculously 400,000

State Legislature realized too late from testimony that it had severe problems.  Denied re-certification.


Michigan Trump  -162,048 of 5.5M or 2.8%

MI has very similar laws as OK—only requested absentees + witnessed and in-person voting. Many affidavits swore they were told by local officials to change dates in absentees if needed. MI and WI had 138.399 Biden-only votes. Normal election has almost none. Workers transferred “unreadable” absentees to clean ballots (no R observers allowed),dates changed.  Software “glitch” transferred 6000 votes from Trump to Biden but was corrected in this case. Sec. of State sent mail ballots to every registered voter (violation state law). Detroit city workers witnessed fellow workers coaching people to do Straight Dem vot and accompanied them into voting booths.   

17,000 dead voters

Wayne Co.  (Detroit) 174,000 mystery voters correspond to no registered. Poll workers told to ask no ID.

Wayne Co. Observers say workers scanned and re-scanned repeatedly to increase vote count. Wayne had  139% as many votes as registered voters.

Wayne Co. 147,000 votes arrived at 3 am.  Not one voted for Trump. Normally about 1 in 1000 ballots is inadvertently misvoted-mismarked.


If Trump had won only 4 of 6, the states with <1.2% margins he would have had 280 electoral votes.

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