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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I miss Ike

Okay, I surrender! I agree not to oppose Trump when he gets the nomination.  Why did I have that dream about how Trump lost and we are all going to be sued? Sued very, very badly.  Do you hear this?  Sued very, very badly! And let me say I am so glad he is now calling Hillary Crooked.  Last week I was the one being called Crooked so the heat is off of me.  Well, after all, I did vote for the Republican State Party Rules and have even voted to confirm a few changes at the last state party convention. It was just a sleepy “yea” when the question was called. Never realized that made me the Establishment running a  crooked convention,and  “fixed”, according to Donald.

             I sure miss Ike.  Heck, I even kinda miss Harry.  They didn’t call you names, although Harry had problems with “manure” in his lingo.  Sorry if you too young to remember.  And they wouldn’t have called the most honorable and transparent candidate I’ve seen in years, “Lyin’ Ted”.  He seemed more like Lion Ted to me. 

            All the Trump supporters had to do was to show up.  Show up at our county convention and put your name on a list to attend the district convention.  Then run to be a national delegate.  Nothing fixed or crooked here.  Just get out of bed.

            Donald won outright. The media as well as Hannity speculated that Trump is going to whine and dine delegates in Cleveland to win them all over.  Fancy meal, ride in the airplane, pay a little boksheesh as they say in India.  Really?  You have 2400 serious, patriotic, engaged delegates descending on Cleveland, during a year absolutely critical to the future of America. Do the media think they haven’t made up their minds? You think they would succumb to a bribe? Of course, Donald would throw in a copy of his new book, The Art of Complaining About a Raw Deal.

            He’ll probably  pick Rubio, Walker or Kasich for Veep as he has suggested.  Or  “Little Marco”, “Loser”, and “The Colluder who just struck oil in Ohio”, as he calls them affectionately.

            So now I can move on to thinking about how unready I am for Hillary.  Virginia is going to let felons vote for her.  If you have be incarcerated about so long, even Hillary looks good.  Hill says she learned to shoot in Pennsylvania.  Give me a break!  If Hillary could shoot, Bill would be six feet  under by now.  If Hillary and Bernie were on a boat and it was shot and sank, do you know who would survive?  America.  Of course, Hillary can’t seem to win a primary so it might be Bernie.  Bernie met the Pope and they didn’t get along too well.  Neither one of them liked the other’s holier-than-thou attitude. 

            Speaking of overseas, you think we've got troubles?  London’s mayor race has Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, up by 12 points.  He’s Trump lite.  He called peaceful Muslims, “Uncle Toms” the other day.  You know what I find weird about “Uncle Tom” is that in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, he was an honorable soft-spoken man who worked to get slaves treated humanely and comforted them. The hero!  Supposedly, this is bad form, today where you have to be like Trump and Black Lives Matter. Darn, I miss Ike! 

            And then Caitlin is going to pose nude on the Sports Illustrated.  Just what sport are they illustrating? O’Reilly says every business should have to add a third restroom for Trannies.  Ouch!  That’ll be expensive for a lot of small biz guys. Let me name the restrooms.  I would name them, “Real Men”, “Real Women” and “Liberals”. 

            And today is the 10th anniversary of Gore’s 2006 “An Inconvenient Truth”.  Alas, Kilamanjaro still has a snow cap, Massive hurricanes, frequent hurricanes haven’t come about.  The constantly increasing temps are actually a 15-year hiatus.  The North Pole isn’t ice free yet and polar bear population has actually increased from 5000 to 20,000.  But Al got rich.  He did it the old-fashioned way by investing in government guaranteed alternative energy businesses.  They went bankrupt but Al got rich.  Democrats are a bunch of rich people telling poor people to vote for rich people because the other rich people are the problem.

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