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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bern, Hill, and Donald show

Rats! The sun rose on Feb. 2.  Donald saw his shadow and now we are going to have another six weeks of bombastic profanity.  For the life of me, I don’t understand how Republicans like a guy who swears, loves Planned Parenthood, and hates George W. Bush’s foreign policy that virtually had a war won when Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. 

Or maybe it’s not really the R’s who love the Donald.  He gets 35% in polls but the polls are from IA, NH, and SC which are all open primaries, where Dems vote the Republican ballot. Maybe that 35 points is actually about 20 who are R’s and the rest are Dems and Indies.  Meantime I console myself with jokes.  Did you hear the one about 2 Corinthians who went into a bar?

The Bern and Hill debate was on PBS.  Is that what they call “Antiques Road Show?” The college kids love watching it and they have a new game.  Buy a case of beer and every time someone says the word “free” you take a swig.  Hillary says if Ted Cruz is elected, she is moving to Leavenworth. I am told that on the night before Christmas  in the year 2000, Hillary was lying in bed and suddenly the ghost of George Washington appeared to her.  “What can I do to serve the public better?” she asked him.  Washington said, “Always tell the truth.”  Hillary gulped.  Then an hour later the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appeared.  “What can I do to serve the public better?” she asked.  Jefferson said, “Listen to the people.”  And Hillary gulped again.  Then an hour later, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln appeared.  .  “What can I do to serve the public better?” she asked.  Lincoln said, “Just enjoy yourself and go to the theatre.”

Seriously, I think Bernie has a chance, so I have been studying his ideas. Bernie promises free college.  We could do that.  It happens in Europe and most of the world.  You just close the private colleges and have only government ones.  And of course, the government can’t afford everyone so they give a big test at the end of high school to decide who gets placement.  Those who don’t make the cut, and that includes just about everyone, get to be bowling alley and store clerks.  Moral:  When government promises more free stuff, it means less free choice.  Now if you look closely at Bern’s plan for free college, it is actually free tuition only. And it is about half funded by a 5% tax on financial transactions in savings transactions.  So every time you trade stocks or bonds or CD’s Uncle Sugar takes 5%.  It will turn your 401K into a 201K in no time at all. 

Bernie wants free health care for all which is rather like VA hospitals for everyone. The cost is way more than even his stiff tax rates can raise.  Nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates his spending will be $2.8T more each year (about double) and his tax increases raise only $1T. The max income tax bracket will go to 58%.  The capital gains will be taxed like regular income.  What Cap Gains at 58% means is that nobody in business sells out.  Instead of bright young people taking over old businesses and making their fortune, it means businesses will simply be boarded up on Mainstreet.  After all, who would give the state and federal government 2/3? This would bring economic growth to a dead stop.  Then think about all the S Corp small businessmen paying 58%.  You think they will hire new people or hide their income?

You think Hillary is better?  Well, she is.  She wants 45% income and cap gains taxes.

This is just too serious and I said it wouldn't be.  So did you hear that Obama is going to travel to Cuba?  Quick! Re-jigger the visa system so he can't come back!  He won't attend Scalia's funeral.  He's trying to look up Karl Marx for a SCOTUS nominee.

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