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Friday, May 2, 2014

More Random Brainology

Okay, so whose death would you like to have, Stephanie Nieman or Clayton Lockett? 

            Who would you like to have for a crazy uncle, Sterling, Bundy or Harry Reid?  We used to have an uncle that was bigoted and refused to eat with “them niggers” when we were in Kansas City.  We just thought he was stupid and missing some of the best barbecue ever.  While one tended to try to change the conversation when race became involved, I wouldn’t say that his comments should deprive him of his livelihood and property.  But this seems to be what they are trying to do to Sterling.  Property rights are guarded by the 4th and 5th Amendments.  You can’t have unreasonable seizure or be deprived of property without due process of law.  So where in the Constitution is unreasonable prejudice forbidden?  Or where in the Ten Commandments is it? (I could perhaps make a case for this and say that Thou shalt not kill refers to hate since Jesus said that hate is as bad as killing.)  Id Est, you can be an idiot and spout off about it via the 1st amendment if you want. If the NBA wants to preserve its image, just make Sterling put his ownership into a blind trust and not participate in the game.

            Dems claim that Republican policies are racist.  If you challenge this, they piously say that they are not accusing All Republicans of being racist (Implied benevolence towards you) but that must mean that a majority of R’s are bigoted since that is their policy.  And if you voted for Obama simply because he had African ancestry, isn’t that racist as well?  So here we have a fine thing—over half of each party is racist! But psychological studies suggest it is actually about ½ %.  Seriously, if there were a big faction who were racist in the USA, they would have come out to defend Sterling.  Not a peep.

            Barack keeps saying that if Russia doesn’t stop taking over Ukraine, there will be serious consequences.  Sounds like a parent who says they will count to three and is really having trouble going past 2 and a half.  Now we find out from emails that Mr. Foreign Policy had the video excuse thought up prior to 9-11-12 when Benghazi happened.  Most logical explanation is that they had this excuse ready if there were riots anywhere in the Middle East.  But no one on the ground there had ever heard about the video or met a Muslim who was energized over it.  The video thing seems to have come out of the State Dept. in Washington.  Hillary???

            Now the UN says we have 15 years to do something about Global Warming or it will be too late!  Is that when all the grant money runs out? Seems like I rubbed elbows with some guys called paleo-geographers at Conoco.  They use geologic stratigraphy and analysis of deposits to understand climates going back say, 400 million years ago.  One guy told me the earth has been 16 degrees hotter and 45 degrees cooler than today.  And then back 12,000 years ago we cooled down by 17 degrees after warming post ice age. But it warmed back up because Fred Flintstone loved his gas guzzler rock automobile.

            If Jake “Baghdad Bob” Carney gave an explanation in the woods and no one heard it, would he still fib?

            If women were actually paid only 77% of what men make, wouldn’t companies just hire women to cut down on labor costs?

Senate Dems want a minimum wage increase.  How about we pass a worker’s rights law that demands interns have to be paid and protected from sexual harassment.  Call it the Lewinsky Law. Chelsea’s pregnancy was the first time ever that Bill didn’t have to look Hill in the eye and swear it wasn’t him.

You know they could fix this minimum wage thing forever by passing a Cost of Living Adjustment and it would be automatic.  But that would take all the fun out of it for Democrats who only want to gin up their base every election over a big minimum wage vote.   

            I was asking a candidate about rural charter schools at her campaign stop.  She flipped the question around and asked what I thought.  “Well the Dems and School admin guys say it will take away their students and their money so they are vituperatively against it,” I noted. "Here’s what I think. Our Superintendent had a blow out on the interstate the other day.  Big gash in his tire.  He began to flag people over and they handed him money.  He would then take the bills and stuff them into the gash in his tire.  My car mechanic came along about that time, puzzled over the strange behavior, and got out of his truck, “Hey, do you know how to solve your problem?”  “Sure!” said the Superintendent, “More Money!!!”    

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