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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michelle's speech

I’ve been sued and gone to court 6 times.  Won all 6.  You never get used to it.  But then after the case ends and the stress is over, I think back about how that opposing lawyer defamed and lambasted my character while giving glowing reviews of that druggie he represented.  I catch myself wondering if I had hired him instead, would he be talking the complete reverse.  And I catch myself wondering how an occupation which began as merely advising a client about the law, has now become, by some lawyers, a sort of snake-oil sales competiton.  Check your Truth at the door.


And so I began to listen to Michelle Obama, the lawyer, last night at the convention.  She did an impassioned and articulate advocacy of her husband.  Fair enough.  But there are things she seems to lie about.  For example, her bald-faced innocence in proclaiming that Barack respects all points of view and knows no party lines.  Ha! We have vast data that disproves this. He’s the most partisan Prez in memory.  Probably more partisan than Jackson or even Wilson.   He routinely blames his problems on those who disagree with him, “Republicans in Congress, Washington, Bush.”  Ed Klein, in his biography The Amateur, talks about how Obama has lost so many ardent supporters in Oprah and Union leaders, because he can’t stand anyone disagreeing with him.  He’s thin-skinned and narcissic.  Michelle and Valerie Jarrett form a White House firewall to guests trying to see Barack based upon whether he got his feelings hurt by them in the past. Rahm Emmanuel and Cynthia Romer and many other cabinet-level advisors have quit because of this trait.  So did Caroline Kennedy and the liberal Jewish leadership.  He has singled out Ryan and Boehner in public to ridicule them.  But Michelle the lawyer tells a completely different story.


Michelle talks about her wondrous family support that allowed her to attend college and get a good job.  She also notes how Barack’s grandma trained men and then watched them be promoted ahead of her, but her sunny disposition won the day and she provided Barack a good education.    Both Klein and D’Souza tell the opposite.  Michelle has had her life motivated by the bitterness she holds at her father’s being passed over by the Daley machine in Chicago politics.  Barack’s grandparents were ardent leftists—grandma bitter over the glass ceiling at the bank and grandpa an old labor organizer angry over non-union shops.  They lined 9-yr-old Barack up with a revolutionary communist, Frank Marshall Davis and noted anti-colonialist leftists at a close-by university who mentored Barry through his high school dope-smoking years.  Nobody can figure out how Barry managed to afford Ivy League tuition.  Was it donated by a Pakistani source? Foreign student scholarships? Certainly the family did little to support such an education.  So the familys’ legacies were not sunny assistance to Michelle and Barack but bitterness and resentment that motivated leftist politics.  


Oh, what a friend we have in Israel! Michelle proclaimed to an interviewer.  Right.  Obama had as his friends, the leading Palestinian advocates like Rashid Khalidi.  Remember how he left Netanyahu sitting alone in the
White House and how he and Sarkozy were overheard trash-talking Netanyahu over a mic they didn’t realize was live.  “Our public disagreement with Israel gives us credibility with the Arab states and compels Israel to act.” He told the Jewish Caucus in Congress, leaving many stunned at his attitude.  Consequently, Jewish disapproval of a Democrat President, for the first time post-FDR, exceeds approval 48 to 45%.


Oh, and such a humble man! Michelle noted.  Because so many people had helped them get where they were.

Please refrain from drinking drinks while she talks.  We don’t want to see it come out of your nose.


Some people call this “a good lawyer”.  I prefer truth.


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