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Monday, December 7, 2020

Hippies and lockdowns


1980.The guy who had been my major professor on my Phd. in theoretical physics called me.  There was a new thing going around campus called Political Correctness.  He and I were like minds.  He an Alabama nerd and a whizz at numbers, and I a ranch kid who wanted to know how everything in the universe worked. But it seemed, he speculated, that every lazy hippie had become a sociology or psychology prof and they were the movers of the PC thing.  So what does PC mean?  Well, he said, it means you can’t ask certain questions.  Preposterous! I objected.  Whatever happened to Academic Freedom.  No, if it affects their views, you can’t ask, he insisted and they have a view of science that certain assumptions cannot be challenged.  This is crazy, I said.  You mean if that work I did with Brown and Bark (2 climatologists) on climate cycles offends them, you can’t ask?  Yes, exactly. 

            Little did I know I was speaking literal truth.  I scoffed at PC.  It would never succeed against scientific inquiry.  But it did!  Those who advocate climate cycles are shut out of grants and government programs.  They are in the same malaise as Einstein was when he tried to challenge Newtonian mechanics or any doctor from the 18th century that challenged bleeding the patient.  They were outcasts for an era.

            When my colleague talked about hippies, everyone in the 80s knew how that was.  The “greatest generation” fought WW II, came home with many issues of war they just wanted to forget and not talk about.  They left suburban homes to work long days in the city and left the wife to raise the kids.  The boys suffered most—hippies who had a poor role model of dad.  They dressed in outlandish styles like women, grew long hair, took no responsibility, and when war came said “Hell no, I won’t go”—as much out of cowardice as conscience.  The rich ones got away with it, collected degrees at college and became professors. That was part of my Baby Boom Generation. Now my same generation is chewing on their tails like the lion in Wizard of Oz because of COVID19.  We must shut down!  We must trust government! Some states in USA have been under various shades of lockdown for 10 months.  Is it working?  Well, it flattened the curve of cases for the initial 4-week trial.  Then they upped the ante to lock down until the pandemic was over.  It didn’t work but that’s okay because it feels good to do something. 

            Especially the politicians.  Their normal mode of operation is to take Stands.  They stand for the end of racism or free speech or a border wall.  Just don’t ask them to actually do anything.  If they ever solved a matter, that would rob them of a Stance.  Now comes much research and “The Great Barringtron Declaration” that illustrates the lockdowns are not working. “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.”  Precisely what they meant to protect.  It has doubled 48,000 suicides per year, increased cancers 30% because of non-screening (150,000 deaths) and increased drug and alcohol use by unknown amounts. Are we fools or what?

            Meanwhile the schoolkids and the 20-somethings are having their lives crushed.  Fauci and Azar and the CDC and the VA are all saying they never meant to imply that business should be closed down outdoors.  Pols didn’t listen.  Masks aren’t very effective except to stop the worst of spray spittle.  Pols didn’t listen.  Nobody can truly define a non-essential worker.  Pols didn’t listen.  All of it playing to the hand-wringers over 65.  But count me among the ranch kids.  Nothing you do, including simply riding a horse comes risk-free.  And when my kids and grandkids are having their future ruined to sauve senior fears, my blood boils.  The hippies want to silence Christianity which they rejected, Institutions and traditions, statues of Lincoln—tore them all down. Now we’ll have perhaps an octogenarian leader and lockdowns.  Don’t blame me if I cheer the revolution of entrepreneurs and workers who lost their dreams. Hippies had it coming.

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