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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Honk... Duggars

Honk if you don’t give a rat’s rump about the Duggar incident

            Rush says he didn’t know about the Duggars until they started getting headlines and I am right there with him.  Reality TV ain’t my thing.  I remember seeing the trailers for the first reality show, Survivor.  And I thought, “Wow! So they just put people on a desert island and some don’t survive? That’s gruesome!” But with curiosity piqued, I watched.  And it turned out that it had nothing to do with actual survival.  It was more like one of those company camps you go to if you work for a Fortune 500 company where they try to teach teamwork through a roughing-it experience.  And instead of starvation or death by thirst, the people were voted off the island by their peers, rather like corporate politics during a big re-organization run by a consulting firm.  Ugh!  We need to watch this?  So I don’t watch reality TV.  It has so little to do with reality.  And then there is The Bachelor surrounded with 20 conniving women.  Does that guy really want to marry the premier conniver?  And some poor restaurant owner who gets taken over by a bossy expert who makes it successful once again.  But I want to know is it still successful 5 years later?  All you have to do around here to have a big crowd at a restaurant is make some much-advertised changes and all the bozos hankering for a new place to eat (and brag to their friends about having already tried it out) will descend on your chow palace for a few months.  Which once led me to propose that we could shut down our restaurant every January for remodeling and re-open as an entirely different place around Valentines.  Three or four months of being swamped with business followed by a slow summer, then a lot of Christmas parties. First year you could be a Hungarian restaurant, then next year you’d be Polynesian, and so forth.

            Now if reality TV wanted to be true to reality, why not show what every businessman goes through.  There would be the lectures by some banker who thinks he knows more about your business than you do.  Then there would be the sleepless nights and desperate prayers about what looks like certain bankruptcy.  Followed by 3 re-organizations in a month, employee theft, and a lawsuit or two by some sly person who claimed they slipped getting into the elevator. How about those state audits to make sure you are paying your fair share of taxes?  Oh, and getting in the car to drive over to an apartment to wake a cook who didn’t show up because they got drunk the night before.  Or getting in your van with a 500 pound greasy air conditioner compressor to drive 100 miles to get it repaired in a wild melee.  This would be true reality TV. 

            What the Duggars do teach us is how little the godless entertainment liberals understand Christianity.  For Jesus Christ brought true grace, undeserved kindness in the form of salvation from sins, into the world.  I spent many hours telling this story of Hope when no hope seems around in the jail with guys who thought they had no prospects, no plans, and The Mark.  The Left gleefully pounced on the Duggars for hypocrisy, not practicing what they preached.  But if that is the meaning of hypocrisy, then what human being isn’t hypocritical?  (Well, unless you pursue the interesting strategy of being completely devoid of morality and ethics, thus there’s nothing any can claim you are hypocritical about.) Everybody flunks perfection. Everybody needs grace.  Grace is free but comes through repentance.   If you aren’t sorry for your condition but seek to promote yourself as better than others, you are to God like a cockroach who claims to be a bit better than his peers 'so don’t squirt me with that insecticide.'  And that is what the Left is doing to the Duggars--dragging the Christians down because they sin. Big whoop.   Jesus, the author of the term hypocrite, used that Greek word for “actor” to refer to those who proclaim and say they adhere to something they don’t believe whatsoever. And again, the entertainment leftists love to glorify everything but a moral life by which they are judging the Duggars.  Looks to me like the true hypocrites are the critics.       


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