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Friday, January 24, 2014

Mary Jane and Facebook

            I’ve been looking around for a retirement business opportunity and found a cigarette distributorship available.  The brand is Cemetery Fillers, the same brand Hitler tried to give to the Jews for free.  It has some side effects and I don’t know if people would buy it so I am soliciting your input. 

            First, it cuts sperm count drastically.  90% loss of fertility in males is typical, with heavy users becoming impotent.  But it has a great calming effect on ones nerves and those who smoke this brand seem to like it very well.  Secondly, it is a non-tobacco cig and twice as carcinogenic as tobacco.  Lung cancer is one of the worst ways to die.  The patient dies fighting for a breath with lungs that will not function—rather like crucifixion.  But most smokers don’t seem to be that worried about cancer, I have found.   Third side effect is that people have used the raw plant leaves as an additive in foods and children have died by eating sweets laced with the substance. 

            I dunno.  Maybe people will be loathe to partake in something that has been proven to kill children and sperm.  I guess that is why the Food & Drug Administration won’t okay these smokes and probably never will.  Their charter says that if a substance is harmful they can’t approve it. So the only recourse is for a vote of the people to okay usage. 

            If I distribute the cigs, I will probably change the name back to marijuana as it is usually referred to.  Or maybe make up something like Beefier Reefer since the buds have been bred to produce 7-12 times the tetrahydrocannibinal that marijuana did in the sixties.


            I have to tell one on Steve.  He had a terrible article in the newspaper recently concerning his bird dogging of a gas leak problem in south Ponca City.  The family who have a gas lead under their house is understandably frustrated.  Once gas is detected, ONG has to shut off service.  Phillips 66 was not sure of their involvement since they have pipelines that run under the area.  They paid for hotel lodging.  Oklahoma Corporation Commission are not required to dig in city locations, but found money to do some testing.  The newspaper  wrote an article quoting the wife of the family lambasting everyone, including the state representative for not boarding their dog and saying the Corporation Commission was run by monkeys.  They gave Steve a chance to respond.  It caught him offguard and he said, “Well, I didn’t help them personally but exchanged about 20 emails and phone calls with OCC.”  The paparazzi decided to use only the comment, “I didn’t help them personally.”  The OCC showed up the day the article came out and we both watched the tests take place.  They would get gas readings in some places around the house and not others.  It was spurious and concentrations were low.  OCC had done some prior testing and determined that it wasn’t ONG’s dry gas but formation gas from the deep earth.  They said they would file a report that concludes “indeterminate”. And the family will have to come up with some sort of abatement on their own before they can get ONG back on. 

            Now here’s the catch.  The newspaper reporter did not ask the wife for statements or do an interview.  Comments were taken off the woman’s facebook page where she ranted about their troubles.  The husband came to Steve apologetically and said he valued their friendship and the help Steve had done on the project. Evidently Steve had offered to board their dog and they missed connections over Christmas when he was gone to see relatives.  Vaughan is more kindly than I.  I wouldn't even have offered to keep their darned pit bull with my grandchildren around the house. 

            But who thinks facebook is a news source?  The following Sunday the newspaper had an article about how First Lutheran Church was starting a High School.  I read it and it made my eyebrows go up.  I hadn’t heard a thing at church. These kind of ponderous decisions take a big vote at a voters meeting. Turns out they are toying with the idea of interactive 9th grade classes using an online source.  And the school had put out a feeler survey on facebook asking how many parents would be interested in this, even up through grades 12. Newspaper picked it up and interpreted it in their own way and ran with a big lead article about how we were starting a high school.

            Moral of the story, be careful what you post on facebook.  
Finally, let me add this which appeared on my email.

Who said it?

       1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the  
common good."

        A. Karl Marx

        B. Adolph Hitler

        C. Joseph Stalin

        D. Barack Obama


        2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government
of the few, by the few, and for the few ...  and to replace it with  
responsibility, for shared prosperity."

        A. Lenin

        B. Mussolini

        C. Idi Amin

        D. Barack Obama


        3) "(We) .... can't just let business as usual go on, and
that means something has to be taken away from some people."

        A.  Nikita  Khrushev

        B. Josef Goebbels

        C. Boris Yeltsin

        D. Barack Obama


        4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires
people to give up a little bit of their own ...  in order to create this
common ground."

        A. Mao Tse Dung

        B. Hugo Chavez

        C. Kim Jong Il

        D. Barack Obama


        5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

        A.  Karl Marx

        B. Lenin

        C. Molotov

        D. Barack Obama


        6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has
become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are
being watched."

        A. Pinochet

        B. Milosevic

        C. Saddam Hussein

        D. Barack Obama



        Scroll down for answers    





        (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 6/29/2004

        (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 5/29/2007

        (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 6/4/2007

        (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 6/4/2007

        (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 6/4/2007

        (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary
Clinton ... 9/2/2005


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