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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Church Gay Amendment

Our church denomination is embarked on a crash program to amend every individual church constitution to include a statement on gay marriage and employment.  This is particularly startling since our churches are autonomous and have written their own constitutions.  It is stunning because we usually stay out of politics saying that God has a bigger message.  But next Sunday we have a voter’s meeting and will probably insert some suggested language.  Here’s the text.

“We believe that term ‘marriage’ has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated by Scripture.”

This follows the words of Jesus who says in Matthew 19:4-6 “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?’ Consequently they are no longer two but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”  (Remember this from a wedding or two?)

Then follows a paragraph on the fact that sexual intimacy should only occur between a man and a woman as a command by God.  This comes from Lev. 18:22,27-28. “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination…for the men of the land who have been before you have done all these abominations, and the land has become defiled; so that the land may not vomit you out, should you defile it, as it has vomited out the nation which has been before you.”

It is then explained that all forms of sexual immorality are wrong. (Ten Commandments).

Finally a statement, “We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the church members and the community, it is imperative that All persons employed by the church in Any Capacity, or who serve as volunteers should abide by and agree to this Statement…” It goes on to talk about welcoming compassion for sinners and non-harassment.

            Now, why, you may be saying, did this come about?  A gay rights bill, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, prohibits any discrimination against gay, bisexual, or transgender Americans, was put on a fast track by the US Senate 61-30, virtually assuring its passage.  What this means is that for the first time in US history non-discrimination will probably be extended to a behavioral choice.  All the other 8 non-discriminatory situations are things like gender, disability, faith and race which you are either born with or were called by God. But being gay is a behavioral syndrome.  It may be more addictive than puff corn or beer but behavioral syndrome nonetheless.  Secondly, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has a long history of elementary schools.  At one point in its history, you could not become a LCMS church if you didn’t also start an ancillary school.  German Lutherans are extraordinarily scholastic and  hire a larger staff than most churches through their schools and daycares.  Thirdly, the Senators may think they are gods but they aren’t.  And they make a huge mistake trying to tell a bunch of Lutherans what to believe.  Sola Gracia, Sola Scriptura, Sola Fides is our motto.  [“Grace alone, Scripture alone, Faith alone”] Thus, the reason for the amendment is to pre-emptively guard against lawsuits brought by some transgender/gay/bi claiming hiring discrimination or some gay couple demanding a marriage in the sanctuary, etc.

            But having been a former employer with some unruly employees at times, I have listened to my own lawyer’s advice quite frequently.  The law differs radically from the overkill of the topic which many businesses tell middle managers. It protects only 8 specific discriminations.  So be creative.  If a wine-o comes in wanting a front desk job, claiming loudly that his alcoholism is an ADA sanctioned habit here’s what you do.  Keep asking him questions in the interview.  There will be other things you can claim disqualified him.  Maybe you didn’t like his smile.  Or his shirt.  Or his diction.  All would be important for that job, and you can discriminate over anything except the 8 sacred-to-the-government topics. Secondly, don’t even come close to asking about things that imply the sacred 8.  Either that or, as my dearest used to do, start up a feminine chit-chat and let the interviewee volunteer the disqualifiers.

            But let’s say that some church or para-church organization gets sued through the Supreme Court. What do we do then?  Be creative. We should hold weekly prayer meetings in different churches publicly decrying the loss of our religious freedom, light votive candles and march to the city square singing Ein Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott, as the East Germans did to bring down communism.  The News Media will make the connection if we tell them.  We should sing the words of A Mighty Fortress Is Our God in English, however.  And chose the verse that goes,

“The Word they still shall let remain

Nor any thanks have for it.

He’s by our side upon the plain

With His good gifts and Spirit

Then take they our life

Goods, fame, child and wife.

Let these all  be gone.

They yet have nothing won.

The kingdom ours remaineth.”

            So if you are a Senator intent on telling us what The Word is and how to express our faith, maybe you should fear being “vomited out”.

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