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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What's the word for this?

Charrades, Sounds like peaches

Let me note a few things Obama has intended or done.

1.    Interfered with a church’s selection of ministers. Justice Dept. sued a Lutheran church who fired a teacher for teaching false doctrine bordering on paganism. Justice Dept argued that the church/school must consider all job seekers irregardless of faith and beliefs (atheists, Muslims, etc.) Supreme Court ruled in favor of the church/school based on right of assembly and free exercise clauses of First Amendment. (Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC)

2.    Deprive landowners of the right to challenge fines in court. (Sackett v. EPA)

3.    Made Military chaplains accept and perform gay marriage as part of their agreement to serve. (free exercise clause again)

4.    Demanded Catholics and others purchase insurance that covers birth control and abortifacients even though these are against the teachings of their faith.  (Did he miss the free exercise clause when he read the Constitution?)

5.    Attach GPS to a citizen’s vehicle to monitor movements even without any cause to believe that citizen has committed a crime. Was struck down by Supremes in (US v. Jones)

6.    Tried to override state law at his will. DOJ sued several states who had passed state laws to parrot federal law with respect to illegal immigration.  AZ is the most famous.  (also WI,OH,IN) Not only has Obama administration negligently enforced the federal law, they didn’t want states to do it for them. (Arizona v. US)

7.    Drone killed American citizens without bringing formal charges or had battlefield engagement.  When Rand Paul asked if the admin. could use a drone to kill a citizen sitting in a US restaurant, DOJ waffled over the answer until he forced their hand with a filibuster on the Senate floor and a very public attention to the question. (violates A4 “people to be secure in their persons” and A5 “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law”)

8.    Destroy private property with paying compensation was struck down by Supreme Court in AR Fish & Game v. US (A4  “unreasonable search and seizure” and A5 due process and just compensation clauses)

9.    Dramatically sought to extend statute of limitations to impose penalties on acts done years ago. Was struck down in Gabelli v. SEC.

10.  Appointed at least 31 unaccountable ‘czars’ to spend money and oversee various government operations.   This violates Article II Sect. 2 of Constitution “advice and consent of the Senate”.

11.  Has refused to administer defend the Laws of the Land when he refused to defend Defense of Marriage Act before the Supreme Court.  There are many other laws that one could argue he has let lie lapse. Violates Art. II, Section 3, “faithful execution of laws” clause and Declaration of Independence “assent to laws”.

12.  Demanded banks lend to bad credit risks as an implicit payback for being bailed out. This violates Declaration of Independence “free system” clause and A9 “rights retained by the people”.

13.  Was held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in Gulf of Mexico.

14.  Abrogated bankruptcy law to defraud bondholders and hand over ownership of General Motors and Chrysler to union employees.

15.  Stopped deportation of illegal immigrants, even those who had felony convictions under US laws.

16.  Tried to tell a private company (Boeing) where they could and could not locate. (violates A9 once again)

17.   Enacted legal changes through executive orders.  Perhaps most notably established “Dream Act” to illegals which never passed Congress.

18.   Has mainstreamed the Radical Muslim movement.  In particular the DOJ has defended Sharia Law in several cases.  But US Constitution does not recognize foreign laws. Violates A XIV Sect. 3

19.   Obstructs justice and congressional inquiries with respect to Bengazi incident, Fast and Furious.

20.   Has made fun of rural folks and Christians as people who “cling to their guns and their religion”, asked people of color to “vote for revenge” AND continually seeks to create a society of dependents on federal aid and stirs them up to hatred against the rest.

Golly I can’t remember the word that describes what we do to tyrants, but it sounds like peach and the power to do it resides in Congress and is voted upon by the Senate. Can someone help me out in remembering the word?  And I have to tell it to someone in Congress because they evidently can’t remember what it is either.

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