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Thursday, August 2, 2012

No Dutch No Glory

The  Dutch spectators watching the horse Dressage competition in the Olympics wore orange shirts that said “No Dutch, no glory”.  Ann’s horse was 13th after today’s event. Being more of calf roping or wild cow milking heritage, I never understood fancy horse competitions, but I’m glad that someone does.  That’s the American Dream for someone.   

I love to watch the libs on places other than Fox News.  They often inspire me to write by the stupid things they say.  For example, it is often said with the gravest of tones, that Romney bankrupted companies and became rich over it.  Now explain that to me.  How does a venture capital firm like Bain, loan money to companies in exchange for shares of stock and then get rich when the whole thing folds and goes under?  If there is any scenario that you can tell me about where I can do this, I would sure like to get rich this way.  Another thing you often hear is that capitalism is in some way not righteous.  Okay name me one non-capitalist regime at any time in history which was so righteous.  Hitler? Stalin? Chavez? Castro? They also love to say that there is no way that Obama can lose.  My reaction is “Oh? Then why is he in such a frenzy to raise money?”

One of the things that made Reagan such a successful candidate was that he could often distill an argument into simple terms.  Government spending money like drunken sailors and then apologizing the next day to a formerly drunken sailor who was mad because he never spent money like the government.  “There he goes again” in reply to the monotonous and repeated class envy argument.  “We are constantly told that the government must be spending ever more money on behalf of the populance which doesn’t know how to live.  Well then, who among us is fit to govern?”  It wasn’t that Reagan was so utterly brainy that he always had a smart answer.  He just looked at the world and distilled it into simple terms. 

I wish Romney would do that.  Sit down and come up with an utterly simple explanation of how to fix the economy.  Something in his own words about how if you threaten businesses with regulation, leave them uncertain about government, promise big taxes, guess what—they don’t hire.  If we threaten to close down banks before they show signs of distress from bad loans, all the bankers will stop lending and lay low investing in government bonds.  Housing won’t recover if banks fear loans or worse, fear cram-downs where they have to eat the principle, folks don’t have employment, and businesses won’t risk. So then what is the simply-said Romney solution? It has to be something an eight-year old can repeat.  Something like Dutch said when he said, “get the government off the people’s backs”.  Something like “Let the market correct, stop harassing businesses and bankers, and get back to work on our American Dreams.” Like when Reagan was being heckled the day of the Crash of ’87.  He just stopped on his way to the helicopter, and said, “The federal reserve stands ready to provide all the liquidity necessary.”  The next day a relieved stock market corrected and gained almost everything back. 

If Romney can find a way to say it simply, it will resonate with the American People.  At least half of us are not dummies. A guy who can point to the solution that is as plain as the American experience will easily win over this jackass we have now.  No Dutch, No Glory.

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