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Monday, November 30, 2015

Stunning Demographics?

 Okay so I admit to reading a lot of left wing stuff as well a conservatives.  Salon and Huffington Post are all abuzz with the latest on why Working Class Whites are leaving the Dems.  Conclusion, racism.  Their methodology is that they compared the number of working class whites in the North who vote Dem, 40%, and the number of Dem working class whites in  the South, 28%.  And as everyone knows, Southerners are all racists, so therefore the lack of Working class white Dems in the South proves it.  Shhhhh! Let’s let ‘em think this. 

Great methodology, hunh.  A minority both places and only 12% difference which could be all kinds of cultural things, and they conclude ‘racism’.  Study after study of Caucasian self-identifying people shows racism < 3% and indeed most studies conclude under 1%.  These studies identify racism as distrust upon sight, a desire to subjugate, and hatreds. I would suggest the reason is in the first word,” working”.  Do you want a good job or government goodies.  R’s promise the jobs.

Ann Coulter in her latest book, Adios America, shows a number of interesting facts about race and immigrants.  For years, legal immigrants aspired to WASP values, that is, the British-American system of rights for all, somewhat free markets, property ownership, rule of law, jury trials, limited government.  Okay so here’s a quiz. How many US Presidents have had British Isle ancestry?  Answer: all of them.  Barack Obama was half Kenyan and the other side of his family was named Duncan—Birtish name.  Bushes, all Anglo-Saxon.  Ditto Clinton.  Reagan was half Irish and half Brit blooded.  All the way back to our founders, Presidents have been British/Scot/Welsh in part.  Lowest portion was both Roosevelts who were French and Dutch by 7/8.  Next question.  How many have been Protestant?  Answer: All but Kennedy. The reason for this is USA was a melting pot and immigrants assimilated, adopting American values. 

Next question: If an urban city is black-white, is it less harmonious than highly diverse? Answer: black-white is most harmonious.  This comes from the Putnam study of Harvard in which the liberal authors were so stunned by their results that they refused to publish until they were forced to by peers.  Southern cities especially were harmonious.  San Fran is very distrustful. This is because, despite cultural differences and separate neighborhoods, blacks and white have come to accept one another.  I have seen other studies about how white/Hispanic Texas cities were congenial until the barrage of illegals changed everything. The new guys aren’t assimilating.  Worst assimilation is the Somalis of Minneapolis. While there are differences in assimilation rates (measured by salaries, English speaking, addresses, intermarriage rates, etc.), Legal immigrants usually come with high hopes and desires to BE American, and that usually shows up in under a generation. But that isn’t the norm in most of the world where different people live cheek by jowl with another group and hate every minute of it.  Remove the Austrian Empire and you get Balkan genocide.  Remove the Turkish empire and local dictators and you get the Middle East today. Remove the British Empire and you get Pakistan and India dividing, expelling, killing and turning into an armed camp.

Ann also notes that the oft-quoted 11 million illegal immigrants is likely much larger.  US Census bureau derives this number by  subtracting form responses. The number who check “foreign born” and “citizen” is subtracted from all forms which check only “foreign born”. The 11 million derives from 2005 datad which hasn’t been updated.   How many illegals are brave enough to fill out the government form? That led two financial bankers to check the number of different people sending money to Latin America.  Their conclusion, 20-30 million illegals from Latin America live here.

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