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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Obama's blown opportunities

When people look back at Obama’s presidency, I think they will look at what could have been.  Liberals and Conservatives alike will see mostly tragedy.  Let me give you a few blown opportunities, places were Obama could have driven a Mack truck through the line and instead got sacked for a loss.

  1. Black Youth.  Why, oh, why didn’t Obama make his family a role model for people of African ancestry?  He could have given the nation lectures on how families have to stay together and especially boys need dads.  Girls without a dad are 25 times as likely to have a troubled teenage life.  Boys are 400 times as likely. Obama could have filled a cabinet with qualified and prominent Afro-Americans and had black kids staying in school and dreaming of being an economist like Walter Williams, a surgeon like Ben Carson, or a writer like Larry Elder.  Oh, wait, those are all Republicans. 
  2. He could have grown the Democrat party.  Coming in as a supposed centrist, it didn’t take long for him to show his real colors as a semi-socialist.  But think of the destruction of the GOP that could have taken place by a charismatic and popular centrist preaching the message of multiculturalism.  Instead, Obama has elected more R’s than any Democrat in history.  R’s have gained 900 legislative seats in state legislatures (about 5000 seats in all state legislatures combined) and if you also count state officers R’s have net gained 1200.
  3. The VA, a perennial bureaucratic disaster, could have been cleaned up.  Now, in the continuing saga, R’s are talking about a voucher program to replace it. 
  4. The Stimulus didn’t.  Instead it doubled the national debt with no effect on the economy.  Proof of this is to compare the growth of M2 with time vs. all deposits in banks and Federal Reserve.  M2 is the sum of all liquid money available to the people and it has crawled forward at the same pace during Obama’s recovery as during the recession. Meanwhile the sum of all deposits has wildly escalated—tripling.  But it put no money in anyone’s pocket. 
  5. Gun control didn’t come about.  The opposite happened.  The Dems and Obama sell guns like crazy.  2013 had 20 million new background and firearms checks and as of Sept. 30, 2015 has a record-setting pace of 17M.  Dems sell gun control with such goofy sales techniques it makes people nervous.  They use mass killing events to try to persuade, when it is obvious that mental illness is the culprit in the slayings.  And then when the government talks about gun control it sounds like gun confiscation to ordinary folks, who rush to buy more.  Look, I could make a case that all those shootings were registered Democrats.  2015 was Chris Harper-Mercer in Oregon.  Registered Dem.  2014 was Elliot Rogers, Santa Barbara.  2013 was Allen Lanza in Connecticut.  2012, Minneapolis Mall shooter Andrew Engeldinger.  2011, James Holmes in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. 2010’s biggie was Jared Loughner who shot Gabbie Giffords and half a dozen others in Tucson. 2007, Seung Hui Cho, killed 32 at Virginia Tech.  What’s in common?  All were registered Democrats.  Maybe you should give up your gun if you become unbalanced and become a Dem.
  6. The “Rich get richer and the poor got children.  In the mornin’, in the evenin’, ain’t we got fun!”  The QE’s and Stimulus made those in league with government and those on Wall Street do exceedingly well, while the middle class went set.  Since 2009, the population of USA has increased 20 million while there have only been 8 million jobs created.  13 million dropped out of the work force. Go figure.
  7. Obamacare.  It could have been a plan with some chance of success and then the R’s would have had the impossible task of repealing it later.  Instead, it hangs like an albatross around Democrat necks.  Badly conceived as a plan to either limit or destroy the insurance industry, idiot website, co-ops going broke, Insurers bailed out, timetable for implementation pushed back until Obama is safely out of office, then all hell breaks loose when the employer mandate kills job health insurance for 60-90 million workers.  Like one woman said upon paying the penalty because she couldn’t afford a bronze policy.  “I paid and I still ain’t got any insurance!”
    When Elizabeth the Great died, Mary Stuart’s son James I became king.  He was educated and insufferably arrogant and narcissic. Because, as king, the Brits and Scots had thrown off the pope, James thought he could speak infallibly like a pope.  Where Elizabeth had used her political capital to build commerce, James played and left day-to-day government to the Privy Council.  The Catholics and Calvinists insisted on using different Bibles and James threw up his hands, finally assenting to an 18 member commission to translate the Bible.  Today, we often think of the King James Bible as the only thing worth mentioning to his realm.  

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