that the French are now wanting global war on terror and Obozo from the USA is
playing Sgt. Schultz.
Here’s what a Prez worth his respect
would do in circumstances like this.
- Secure the borders and get control of time limits on H1B visas. Profile everybody instead of making everybody take their shoes off in the airport. (Grandmother coming from Sweden with blue hair is not a usual terror threat.)
- Announce we have identified characteristics of terrorists—mostly young males aged 16-45, Muslim from Muslim countries and areas, anti-Western, has large multi-pouch around waist with sticks of dynamite, etc.
- Say that we will not be taking any refugees from 57 states. Those would be the Muslim majority countries that Obozo misidentified as the number of American states. Exceptions made for a refugee who can prove that they aren’t a security risk. Hence we don’t discriminate against a religion. Proof of non-security risk, however, must not correlate with known problem-causing associations who identify with the Koran. So if a Christian or Jew or Yazidi applies, we just say, “You pass. We have never had a terrorist [Christian.]” How to screen for imposters? Ask questions of faith. Did God love the world so much that he gave his son to die for its sins? What was the name of Moses’ brother? Was Jeremiah a patriarch, prophet, poet or bullfrog? Do you think Mohammad was a sinner or not and why? Who is the noble leader of Al Jihad? What the heck is Obama’s religion? And so forth. (The only people who would flunk/fail to give an indicator by this test would be the main stream media and Hollywood--who always choose “bullfrog”.)
- Encourage Americans to arm themselves. Encourage all public areas to declare, not a gun-free zone, but a gun encouragement zone. (Exceptions for the obvious—divorce court, jails, etc.)
- Declare the internet a public meeting place, therefore, eves-droppable by NSA. (If you want to keep it secret and privileged, don’t post it on Facebook. Duh.)
- Ask the people to keep track of their neighbors. They might ask things like, “Does the future belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam?” “Do you think ISIL is contained?” "Is Climate Change directly related to the growth of terrorism." “Do you believe we should be at war with Radical Islam?” “Are you letting anybody tell you that businesses create jobs?” “Do 500 million Americans lose their jobs every month we don’t have an economic recovery?” Do you follow the law whenever you can?” "Is the problem that he's the President of the United States instead of the emperor?" Yikes! I think this test would also catch a few Democrats (Quotes by Obama, Obama, Bernie, Hillary, Hillary, Pelosi, IRS Commissioner Koskinen, Obama) OR as Will Rogers said, “There are men running government who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches.”
- Finally, publish the secretly recorded meeting of Islamic State leaders where one guy said, “I say we do this thing in France on Friday the 13th. I mean, what can the French do? Start a war with us?”
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