simply do not understand why some things aren’t in the public discussion of
politics. If some Republican candidate
would bring up these subjects, I guarantee it would cause a media stir and it
would make him/her look like a genius.
Retirement. 70% of seniors say that retirement in USA is
in a state of crisis. Whenever you have
70% of anything in politics, that’s a huge issue and a sure winner for someone
who gets on the right side of it. Median
savings upon retirement is $50,000.
Median SS income is $16,000.
Taking $3,000 a year out of savings gives a median income of $19,000 a
year. That’s food stamps territory. Add health problems and see how far $19K goes.
To make matters worse, SS is collecting
less than it pays out (since 2012) and left unchecked SS and MC will use up All discretionary budget funds by
2030. “All” means no money for military,
Post Office, national parks, Coast Guard rescue and a thousand other functions
of government.
So a smart candidate needs to spell
out a program. Christie has tried this
but he doesn’t spell it out in human terms that capture the dire consequences
to the country.
Military Recruitment and Education.
21 million young people are eligible for
the military but we cannot recruit about 200,000 a year for the following
reasons. 7 million are too obese. 6 million cannot pass the necessary tests,
especially math. Many others have children or tattoos and crime records or
other social/dependency problems. Our recruiters hand out lots of incentive
bonuses, free college, career training, etc. yet we still fall beneath
recruitment quotas every year. While physical/ health problems and social
problems are a difficult problem interwoven in our society, failing a math test
is just a matter of training for 99% or recruits. What the hell is wrong with our education?!
Of the 45 OECD countries (developed world) we are 28th in math, 28th
in science, 17th in reading.
If our local public schools can’t get it done, perhaps we need special military
pre-schools that can teach stuff like how to add three 2-digit numbers in your
head (necessary to assess windage corrections in rifle shooting). Surely our kids are smarter than the ones
from Appalachia and inner cities who fought bravely in Vietnam, aren’t they? I’d
also relax the tattoo prohibitions in consultation with our military leaders. Our country’s military is being forced out of
existence by diabolical leadership.
War on Women. What women want is a society where they can
freely develop a fulfilling life with their talents and destiny. Pro-life is not war on women. Cradle-to-grave security as a disguised form
of dependency serfdom is a war on women.
You don’t become a true princess by sitting around sucking up benefits.
Climate Change. About half the people believe that increased
CO2 has caused a global warming, predicted to be 2 degrees in the next 100
years. Chemical composition of the
atmosphere, however, is just one of several effects postulated by
scientists. What someone needs to say in
a debate is this. Okay so you believe in
2 degrees due to CO2. What about solar
radiation? It varies considerably more
and we have historical records of it. The
Little Ice Age from 1309-1850 dropped temperatures 9 degrees. The Medieval Warming was several degrees
warmer. And what about oceanic
circulation. When that changed during
the Younger-Dryas 12,000 years ago, temperatures dropped 17 degrees. And the nutation of earth’s rotation which
changes axis tilt causes 30 degrees temperature drops and brings on ice
ages. Why is no one saying anything
about this? I’ll tell you why. Because CO2 production is the only effect
that allows politicians to call for socialism.
It is the only effect that government can make people feel guilty about
so that government can tell you how to live and what to do. This is how socialism works. And does government ever truly fix
anything? I suggest we rely on private
sector solutions to our CO2 production and tell government to get out of the
road of the people!
Islam. President Erdogan of
Turkey, a key ally of ours, is also a conservative Muslim. He says there is no such thing as moderate
and radical Islam. “Islam is Islam” he
has said. And there are aspects of Islam
that order the followers to take over the entire world by peace or by
force. Then offer a few quotes of the
Quran. Explain that these are non-abrogated passages. (Doctrine holds that
there are false verses in their scripture that are overridden by later
revelations.) “Terrorize the infidels and beleaguer them. Cut off their heads and cut off their
fingers.” Sura 9:3. “Kill the infidels
wherever you find them.” Sura 147:43.
Point out that the faith will not rest until Sharia Law supplants all
other law. So then the question becomes,
will refugees from Syria live in quiet toleration of faiths in America? We should only accept immigrants from
Islamic states through meticulous screening and probably far less than the
200,000 that Obama is letting in from Syria.
Liberty. So many people say that we have a
constitution based on Christianity or no religious origins. But if you ask where they got that info they are clueless. But we founded this country on the principle
of Liberty. All the founders knew what
Liberty was. It was a term coined by John
Locke, the father of modern psychology and a government philosopher who has two
direct quotes in our Constitution and thoroughly influenced our founders. Liberty means being able to follow the inner
voice in your head, that is, follow your dreams, follow the Holy Spirit, follow
your faith. If you have a mission in
life, be it from God or your own deduction, being allowed to follow it is the absolutely fundamental
bedrock of our ideals and our Constitution.
No Liberty? Then you are just a lousy
serf of an overreaching government.
Try a few of these at the next
debate and see if it doesn’t set off the Mainstream Media to gobbling like
turkeys. And see if it doesn’t enthuse a few R voters.
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