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Monday, June 30, 2014

Oil prices, Immigration crisis, Hobby Lobby

            Fuel’s going up in price and it will likely continue.  Oklahoma has seen oil production almost double since the low in 2003-05.  It is now .4M barrels a day.  USA uses 19M b/d.  So we are a drop in the bucket.  US production is up, but Iraq, which was 2.5M b/d a few years ago is now 2/3 of that.  It wasn’t so much the loss of that production as it was the fact that we expected Iraqi production to be 6M by 2020.  It’s unlikely to happen.  And around the world many major fields found in the 70’s-90’s are in serious decline. Saudis no longer can flood the market with 10M b/d like they used to.  And the world’s appetite is growing now that the 2007 recession is behind us.  Bottom line.  Higher oil prices are coming.

            I have perhaps mentioned this before as a laugh, but it is actually serious.  The way to do something serious about the border crisis with so many children is easy. (assuming we won’t be able to return many of them to parents down south) 100,000 kids.  Find that many Christian conservatives who would foster.  Turn the kids into fire-breathing conservatives with a paper route or a yard-moving business or a job doing what they can.  As soon as Obama finds out this horror, he will shut the border up so fast it will make your head swim.  And those kids would go on to be leaders and naturalized citizens with both an American Mom and Dad as well as a natural Mom and Dad they could bring up from Honduras.  Or, if the conservatives could not win the deportation battle, the kids go home with a “foreign exchange” burning in their hearts as future leaders back home. It would be a life-changer for every kid who experienced this.

            You think it won’t work?  Or not enough people who would make it work? Consider the early Christians who rescued unwanted children who had been “exposed”(infants left to die in a ditch or the woods) by Roman pagans. Thus began the world’s first orphanages and foster homes.  When 80-year-old Polycarp, the understudy of the apostle John, was martyred in the second century, the authorities found 80 children in his home, all rejected as children.  The kids ran every direction, escaped for the most part and became leaders in the early church.  This is one of the primary methods of growth the church had which went from about 5000 in 33AD to 36 million in 325 AD.

            Our libs would similarly try to destroy a dandelion by kicking the head and scattering the seed.  Liberal women have 1.6 births per person while conservative women average 2.8.  Demographically, libs have been running short of heirs for decades and that is why only about 20% of US population calls themselves liberal. 

            There’s been some recent research into genetics and success/poverty that suggests that some nations are too diverse, some too-little diverse to be greatly successful.  (other things like lack of corruption, free markets are larger considerations, however) If the mix is like Poland, many Muslim countries, or Japan which have extreme homogeneity, they are harmonious but not highly innovative societies.  On the other hand, countries with enormous diversity, like Congo have everybody from 4-foot pygmies to 7-foot Watusis and Hottentots, Bushmen, Benins, etc.,  are distrustful, polarized and often fall into civil wars.  USA is extremely diverse, but interestingly, highly assimilative.  So long as it assimilates successfully, it respects others, and continues to be an economic powerhouse.

            Okay, enough of this serious talk.  I am so saddened that Hobby Lobby won.  Had they lost, I was about to suggest that future Republican Presidents could turn the tables on Barack.  For spiritual healing under Obamacare, we could insist that atheists must be insured for the cost of Bible-of-the-month club.  Muslims could be forced to buy a policy that provides Pork servings for dietary plan.  There could be no end to the onery stuff. Harry Reid would surely repeal and Rangel would sue for impeachment.

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