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Saturday, June 21, 2014

14 points to a good November

If this doesn’t turn out to be a good year nationally for Republicans, there is something wrong with them.  The Scandal-of-the-Week is providing so much material to skewer Dem opponents, it is silly.   Look at  my list of scandals and mismanagements you could find linked to your Dem rival.  They’d have to be slick as an eel to avoid not being part of just one of these.  Then when you think about how a good political line just needs two or three arguments repeated over and over--well, look at this list.

  1. Benghazi indicative of foreign policy and Islamic threat blindness.
  2. Keystone waiting-for-Godot anti-energy bias.  This costs jobs, energy independence, and makes high-priced gas.  Tie opponent to anti-energy votes or stances.
  3. Economic Contraction.  This is due to overregulation, mandates for health insurance, overtaxation and federal government being in cahoots with the big banks. 
  4. Fast and Furious as an anti-gun scheme that went bad.  Tie Dems to anti-gun votes--hunter hatred and hampering citizens protecting from crime.
  5. IRS scandal indicates a war on political opponents, war on free speech, demand for too much taxation.
  6. Obamacare.  High health care and insurance prices, poor choices, death panels to come.
  7. Putin problems, Syria and Iraq problems due to lack of conviction and being a pussy rather than an adult.  Leads to threats to our security, high gas prices, and threatens our standing as a world power. Feckless foreign policy and drastic military spending cuts.
  8. Bergdahl and a hippie anti-war attitude of appeasement. Closing the WWII memorial just for spite.
  9. EPA war on coal and CO2 kills US manufacturing and raises electricity rates.  Get ready.
  10. Immigration surge due to negating the law and creating a humanitarian crisis.  So much for Dems being the party of compassion.
  11. Debt.  Spent money that was no help to economy.  Debases our currency. Duh.
  12. Crony capitalism, green failures that were government funded, sending manufacturing jobs overseas due to regulations. 
  13. War on Faith.  Insurance and abortifacient mandates, trying to disallow church choice in their ministers, military chaplains told what to preach. (Say, do we need a Tea Party or Constantine crossing the Rubicon reenactment, or maybe a Dietrich Bonhoeffer moment)
  14. VA. A foreshadowing of Obamacare.  Classic bureaucracy gone wild and not doing what they are asked to do. Corruption and cover-up. Obama and Dems don’t give a rat’s ass, just want big government.
    Now you tell me, is there any Democrat alive that hasn’t indulged in things related to these black-hole scandals and mismanagements?  You’d have to be a punk Republican campaigner to miss the tie-ins to these. Even in state races you can skewer a Dem using these follies as “ultimate outcomes” of their philosophy.  In fact, probably the hardest part is planning what to say about solutions and what to do with Obama in the final two years.
  15. What'd I forget?  NSA?

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