It become secure. Cheapest way is a wall and gates. But there also has to be surveillance and complete coverage. This will require some negotiation with Indians who have reservations on both sides.
Sufficient law enforcement with directive to enforce. After all, there are tunnels, VISA overstays, etc. The gotaways exceed in number, the entire undocumented numbers just a few years ago.
Sufficient courts and screening of asylum claimants are needed to keep pace. We don't want drug dealers or terrorists--surely everyone agrees. But we also need to hurry-up the applications. Perhaps using excess employees, such as the 87,000 IRS agents, loaned for a few years, can interview claimants and recommend as a friend of the court to the judges.
Reforms with DACA, anchor baby families, guest workers, legal immigrations fixed. DACA kids are rather trapped and fewer in number <1M. A path to citizenship seems in order. The phenom of people having anchor babies and bringing in up to 57 others is being abused. Congress needs to pass a law. Perhaps, even a law to challenge automatic citizenship of foreigners. Why we do this, the only country in the world, is beyond me. Do we want diplomats' kids (from terrorist regimes?) to be citizens?
Republicans need to propose solution of all of these with last items undertaken only when first 3 are in place. Hispanic R’s often propose a ten-year naturalization for DACA, Reduction of relatives allowed under cascading family immigrations, and good guidelines for guest workers. Plus reduced cost and time (kick bureaucrats in the ass) for those who seek legal immigration. If R’s would simply propose a comprehensive plan, they would win many Hispanic voters and the common sense voter. The tactic of just demanding we build the wall before all else considered is a loser. We need to be the Adult Party and put our reasonable proposals out.
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