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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Leftist Hippies now come to fruit

DON’T BE MYSTIFIED BY WOKEISM AND IT’S EVERMORE HEAVYHANDED TREATMENT. I ran into some leftist-type atheist/agnostics in college 54 years ago during the Vietnam anti-war era. I went to several Young Democrats meetings. Everything they said then is working its way into society now.  Leftists want control.  So they told me they saw all manner of evil in this world and what God would design something so bad?  Thus they didn’t believe in any sort of God.  And if there is no God, therefore there must not be any set morality. (Many atheists would choke on this. Nature dictates morals too.) If morality is just personal choice, we shouldn’t be too hard on people who do crime or heinous things. They are just acting by nature and can’t be responsible.  So I asked how then, if there are no morals, does one set rules by which government must act.  Oh, that is the design of really smart people like us, they alleged.  That is why we are here at this Party meeting.  The Party tells everyone what to think and do, and anyone who disagrees will be subject to persecution.

            In a nutshell, they want to control people.  Design a utopia and make everyone conform. I left the mtg. thinking how Marxist this was.  Today it is everywhere, many people accepting it dumbly. From the history you learn to the choices you have for lunch, you are threatened with control. It sneaks in. An example: Pocahontas.  Her true story is quite documented.  Young girl comes curiously to meet the Jamestown settlers. Becomes acquainted, learns English, admiring their winter clothing and tools and amazed at how determined and optimistic they are. She disappears for 3 years which her family says was a marriage and child where she was widowed and lost the baby. Came back to the colony stockade, was held in house arrest when skirmishes broke out between her tribe and the Anglos. Asked to become a Christian, was baptized, met John Rolfe who was also young and widowed.  They married, she had a son, Grandpa Powhattan and wives came to see the new grandson.  Big feast, 15 years of good will followed. Then she showed Rolfe how to plant tobacco.  He reaped an enormous profit, thereby providing England with a profitable reason to continue the colony. They went to England and she was a celebrity, but died on the return trip, her dying words were deeply Christian, full of love for son, Tom, and husband John.

            So what are a minority of modernist historians trying to say now?  They insist that they English captured her and made her accept Christianity, made her marry Rolfe and cough up the secret of tobacco cluture. All this flies against the duly recorded stories, but the historians are revisionists, trying to promote exploitation, racism, slavery, and European evil.

            The CRT, revisionism, and wokeism are just the angry demands of the “control leftists.” Truth be damned; they want their utopia. I heard this through the long unkempt manes and Vietcong sandals of these lefty hippies in 1969. 

1 comment:

  1. The woke aren't that woke to the real world. They live in some kind of fantasy land with Peter Pan.
    They all need to grow up and act like adults and be responsible for their actions.
