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Saturday, November 5, 2022



HOW DID DEMOCRATS SHOOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT SO BADLY WITH INFLATION, AFGHANISTAN, CRIME, ETC.? It boils down to the mistakes that happen to not-so intelligent people with grandiose ideas about themselves as leaders.  In short, ego.  Trace this back to the nobility of Europe.  During the Dark Age, there had to be some local strongmen with soldiers to defend against the onslaught of barbarians, from Goths to Norsemen.  Those strongmen didn’t work except to train in warfare and lorded it over the ordinary people. They eventually began to think of themselves as the smart people, above others, divinely installed to rule.  Noble vs. ignoble.  Ignoble peasants were considered animals while the nobles were supreme.  When the French Revolution occurred, these nobles and royalty were in terror that they would be next to be deposed and executed in their own countries.  So there arose a defense.  Yes, they were privileged but enlightened to use their wealth for good.  Don’t guillotine me, do it to that other guy who is an exploiter. It became known as nobilesse oblige, “obligation of the nobility”. It spread in USA to the plantation owners fearful of slave uprisings. (Slaves in USA were not completely downtrodden as in Caribbean and Brazil. Some were polite,could read and speech fluently—a horrifying prospect that they might get the upper hand.) To protect power, the owners were obligated to do a few good deeds and remind the underlings that they never had it so good. Liberalism/progressivism simply requires that one think of oneself as superior and worthy to run things (or enjoy freebees).  A lot of people dream of power. And so grandiose plans are constructed which other libs buy into as if they are their own, plans so wonderful that one becomes blind to the zillion inevitable pitfalls of life that sink even the best of intentions.  Hence the dumb bunny mistakes.  In a few months, add 30% to the supply of money that is in circulation and suddenly too much money is chasing too few goods.  Inflation.  Disdain the military men? Then they must be overruled in the Afghanistan exit plan. Debacle. Libs think their superiority will always win.  Lose an election? Don’t admit that maybe you miscalculated governance.  You just didn’t communicate  your superior ideas well. Someone opposes your plans?  They are not simply stupid or contrary-minded, they are vile and evil to oppose such wonderful plans. Ego.

            But this writer prefers the Party that considers ordinary people to be often rather bright, some capable of huge solutions he didn’t think about. Others are leaders, worker bees, kind servers, cheerleaders, all belonging to our team. Watch the returns on MSM after this year’s returns come in and see this phenom.   

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