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Sunday, May 1, 2016

First, I think it is wonderful that a strong, 2nd Amendment, Republican woman is going to have her picture on the twenty dollar bill.  Say! Can we put Obama’s picture on the 20 trillion dollar debt note?

Well, now help me out with this.  So Trump has it won.  He is projected to win by the media.  He says he has won and that there is no reason for Cruz to stay in.  But then he keeps calling Cruz Lyin’ Ted and applauds Boehner calling Cruz, Lucifer.  Now, I ask you, how is this supposed to encourage party unity?  What kind of guy, upon winning, keeps calling the opponent names? 

Yet if Trump has it won, I am eager to come to a meeting of the minds and support him.  So here are a few dumb questions from an Oklahoma dummy.

1.      Donald, you graduated from Sloan School of Management, Wharton College, right? And some economists at Wharton in the 1970s proved  that the Great Depression was a normal recession that became the Great Depression primarily because of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff, that is, a trade war. You heard this, didn’t you? So are we going to have a trade war with China?

2.     You say you’ll build a wall with no cost to us whatsoever, but Mexico will foot the bill.  Okay, then what?  Is your website correct that you propose to bring back 95% of the illegals and give them a pathway to citizenship? Isn’t that Chuck Schumer’s Amnesty plan rewarmed or is it not?

3.     You have pledged to be the best  of friends of all our allies but threaten to abandon alliances if they won’t pay up.  Which will it be?

4.     You said you were against getting involved in Iraq, disagreed with nation-building, but say you will destroy ISIS and stabilize the Middle East.  How?

5.     You say you will punish China on trade.  And you will get them to control N. Korea. How?

6.     You say you will work with our Muslim allies, but you will keep Muslims out of our country.  How is this supposed to work?

7.     You say you are a better Christian than Ted, but told a reporter that you don’t ask God for forgiveness,because you have not done anything wrong.  Explain how this is part of your Presbyterian Calvinist doctrine.  Or any Christian doctrine.  What do you make of the passage that says, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us…”?

8.     You say you are an outsider who is at war with the establishment. But Cruz is an insider.  However, for the record, hasn’t Cruz fought the Washington establishment several years now?  What concrete thing have you done to fight the establishment (apart from rhetorical)?

9.     If you are pro-life and Planned Parenthood performs 85% of the abortions in USA, why do you want to continue to fund them fully?

10.  You say you want to repeal Obamacare.  You said you liked the Obamacare mandate.  Just what do you propose to replace Obamacare with?

So I will not say that I won’t support Trump.  If he answers, say, half these questions in a conservative way, look for this dumb Okie  to join his ranks.  But if he refuses, I will continue to consider him a flim-flam salesman who tells his supporters what they want to hear—that America will be great again, that they can have it all--despite the contradictions of his no-substance big talk and personal invective name-calling.

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