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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Moral evolution

"Technological progress without an equivalent progress in human institutions can doom us," Obama warned at Hiroshima. "The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral evolution as well. That is why we come to this place."

            Lofty words.  It reminds me of a former Soviet official who was depressed that they could not change human nature and come up with a superior morality.  He said that many times party discussions centered around their inability to make people act nobly.  That’s telling, when you think that you have to swear to atheism if you want to be a member of the communist party.  Why would those of no-moral-absolutes be stressed over morality?  But it’s not just Soviets who struggle.  This week brings news that one of our Presidential candidates lied repeatedly about her email system, indeed created it to avoid Freedom of Information Act inquiries, has exchanged favors to foreign powers for funding of her foundation, and then tries to cover up evidence.  And this pronouncement came, not from opposing Republicans, but from an Inspector General, an Obama appointee.  Indeed, the scandal investigators have not a Republican player in their midst.  On the other side, is the Trumpeter who measures his worth in money, elevated pride to an art form, dismisses the central teaching of Christianity (“Why do I have to repent or ask forgiveness if I am not making any mistakes?”) and the practices (“my little wine and my little cracker.”).  Multiple wives, personal insults and character assassination, mocking the disabled isn’t what I normally think of as “fruit of the Spirit”.  Maybe he is just an Obama narcissist with a Republican uniform. 

            Ah, the things voters don’t choose! A Trump supporter asked if I supported Trump.  Well does that mean give him money?  Oh, no! they replied.  (I’m guessing that this person has never given a dime to anything in politics.) Well, does it mean I have to support his ideas—opposition to forgiveness from God, opposition to free markets and limited government, disinterest in the Constitution?  No, no! You can believe what you want!  Then does support mean I have to marshall 183 volunteers to walk and call 9000 households like I formerly did in a campaign?  Well, it wouldn’t hurt you to get on board for the Republican nominee! I was told.  Hmm.  I thought Lincoln freed the slaves.  I’d probably vote for the guy as lesser of two evils.  If that’s your meager definition of ‘support.’  

            And considering Obama’s moral evolution, I prefer the one Twila Paris sang about while holding a baby, conceived by the One who doesn’t evolve His morality but changes us


Every little baby comes into this world

Reaching for an anchor, fingers tightly curled,

Grasping for a reason, without knowing why.

We will cling to anything, ‘til the day we die.

We can hold onto sorrow, we can hold onto pain,

We can hold onto anger when there’s nothing to be gained.

We can hold onto money, we can hold onto fame,

We can hold onto glory and the honor of a name,

We can hold to a friend to the end of a rope.

But if we’re holding onto Jesus, we are holding onto hope.

Hold on!  Hold on!

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