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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Christian organizations denied acces to military bases

President Obama has just given an executive order to ban all Christian groups from military bases if the group has not integrated LGBTs into its organization. Contracts to work on base will be denied.  That is, it is not enough to simply accept gays and transgenders and welcome them into your meetings.  You have to have them be part of the staff.  This has the effect of ostracizing all bible-believing and orthodox Christian organizations from the bases.  The following is an email from the Young Life representative working at Ramstein Air base in Germany.  He works with teenagers of our Air Force personnel stationed at the base.  Since housing is entirely on base, there is no way for him to have a ministry.  He is writing the people who have supported him from the states.


Subject: Re: Headwaters Update 4/17/16

Hi Friends:

Thanks so much for praying for us! We are so grateful for your support!

I write to clarify a bit what has happened to us. This is the official statement from our organization, Military Community Youth Ministries, the group to which I have been seconded from Young Life:

"In light of the MCYM/Club Beyond traditional view of marriage and until there is additional legal clarity from the Department of Defense in regards to SOGI (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity), MCYM/Club Beyond Board of Directors has decided we will no longer pursue any contracts with the US Government."

While Christians groups have not been denied access to military bases per se, it is true that Christian groups with a traditional view of marriage and with statements of faith to that effect will find it difficult, if not impossible to work in the military contract system.

My particular work planning camps and service projects was part of fulfilling our contract with the military. No contract means no work. As ministry with kids will most likely go to zero, there will be no kids to plan camps for anyway. That said, we now find ourselves "on the mission field" with no mission to field! We are considering all options but to date God has closed doors more than opening doors here in Europe.

The current contract runs through June 30 so we're good at least until then. I do ask for your continued prayer that God would make a place for us here, or that he would lead us where he wants us soon.

Thanks so much! We miss you guys!



Obama once again shows his contempt for any Christianity that does not submit to his leftism.  (Opiate of the people?) Once again the First Amendment is held meaningless. What really concerns many in the military is that other key parachurch organizations like Navigators, which has a huge ministry among our soldiers will also be booted out.  Chaplains are already forbidden to preach on LGBT issues.  Pray and vote for a candidate who would reverse this horrific contempt for our Constitution and the very concept of Liberty.

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