Yeah, I know everyone is angry at the
direction of the country. Yes, I know
the CNN moderators wanted a cage fight between Rubio and Cruz and between
everybody and Trump. They almost got
it. But what I long to hear is a very very
hopeful, optimistic, postive message that includes everyone of us like Reagan
used to give. Something like this.
“The Democrats point out an increasing gulf
between rich and poor. True. They created it with bailouts of banks and
Wall Street. Now they bitch about their
own mess. But the American people know
better. The thing that improves the
income gap is plentiful jobs for the ordinary people, for young people just out
of college, for minorities. The Democrat
regulation, health insurance quagmire, and hidden taxation have created a bad
environment for jobs which hurts the non-wealthy. But we Republicans can fix that environment
with the help of thousands of entrepreneurs and small businessmen and hard
workers around this country. Obama and
Hillary created a mess in the Middle East, by shunning an agreement in Iraq
that shoved the country into chaos, then supporting all manner of revolts
without a plan. That left a vacuum in
power and refugees with terrorist infiltrators coming our way. But America doesn’t put up with this nonsense.
And we are going to elect a leader with more sense. We’ve always been a country to follow courage
not cowardice. Americans have always run
to the fight, not from it. And these damned Barbary pirates of ISIS had better
run for their lives.
“We founded this country on Judeo-Christian
principles but one of those principles is you can be whatever you want to be.
What we won’t tolerate is someone riding roughshod over our constitution and
freedoms. Americans fought hard for that
and we’ll do it again. We won’t tolerate
bureaucracy putting an undue burden on us.
Government answers to us, not the other way around. So here is a warning, We the People are
coming to re-organize the bureaucracy and restore the pride of working for
government as a Public Servant, not a public tyrant.
“200 years ago we ended a war that everyone
thought was hopeless to win against the greatest power on earth. We were hurt by our own stupid mistakes and
helped by heroism, but the victory came from two acts of God, a hurricane and a
swollen Mississippi that gave us the power to defeat our adversary. This century brings the challenges of an
enemy who works by stealth and fanaticism, and the phoenix rise of
neo-socialism that threatens what truly is America. We will whip them both. And, as in 1815, we
will stand up and say, ‘Then fight on we must/As our cause it is just./And this
be our motto,/ In God is our Trust/ And the Star-Spangled Banner in Triumph
shall wave/ O’er the land of the Free and the home of the Brave.’”
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