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Friday, December 18, 2015

The War on the Young

So Disney has now added security personel and dogs.  Rightfully so, I would say.  But don’t mess with Minnie Mouse, she’s packin’.  And you see that Goofy character?  It’s really a bloodhound inside who can sniff a bomb 5 miles away. 

No really, how long are you young people going to keep voting Democrat?  If ever there was a war on young people, it is that party.  Sure, they promise to legalize marijuana—the better to make you a dependent pothead.  But consider how liberal policies really destroy the lives of people just getting started. 

Minimum wage.  Oh, it sounds good to propose $15 an hour.  If implemented, it would help the old union guys press for increases to stay ahead.  It would help the few people at the bottom who can keep their jobs, but it kills the entry job market.  So there you are filling out that form to apply for the job of your dreams and it says, “previous employment?”  What if you have next to nothing?  Sorry, you won’t get the dream job.  Or suppose your parents are not wealthy and you have to work for part of your means to get an education.  Sorry, few jobs available in the service industry.  They’ve all gone robotic and interactive.  Minimum wage absolutely kills young people’s chances for jobs. 

Obamacare.  Great, so you can stay on your parents health care up to 26.  Then what?  You have to buy insurance which is far more expensive for young people than their natural risk would dictate.  That’s because Obamacare demands the young pay more to subsidize the old guys. What if you don’t need insurance? You pay an ever-increasing penalty.  Like one person said, “I paid and I still don’t have any insurance.”  More than that, Obamacare puts a per-worker burden of $5000-$13,000 on employers in 2017.  Guess how many will opt to pay the $2000 penalty for not having health insurance and turn workers loose onto the exchange with the website from hell.  Or employers will opt for more automation.  (You don’t have to pay health care for a customer interface or a robotic cargo loader.) Oh, did I mention that Obamacare’s rules have made employers cut everybody’s part-time hours down to under 30?

Entitlements.  Social Security is about at the point where it brings in less money in payroll deduction than it pays out.  Medicare is also about to go negative this way.  By 2029—13 years from now—the number of retirees will double.  By that time, SS and MC, interest on the national debt, and other mandatory expenditures will be 71% of the budget and by 2050, 91%.  That crowds out discretionary spending on nice things like military protection and national parks.   The Dems have resisted and scuttled every fix of SS and MC spending for the past 20 years.  When you get to retirement age there won’t be much for you either.  Too bad because this could be fixed by increasing the retirement age or cutting benefits to the wealthy—most Republican plans.  The Dems insist on raising taxes and cutting benefits, a poison pill, knowing that the public won’t allow either one.  So the system is going broke, and the young people are still going to have to pay for it.

Economy.  If you load businesses down with regulation, the economy doesn’t grow.  Since 2009, the number of federal regulation pages has increased by as much as were created in all former history of our country. (thanks, Barack, for your executive orders) For the second time in the history of 37 recessions/recoveries in USA, our economy grows at less than 2% and jobs are scarce.  At the same time, people getting out of college have record debt. Student loans, that in their parent’s day were a $15 a month payment, have turned into a house-payment sized burden and it causes young people to spend a decade getting started.

The list could go on.  Education reform is anathema to Dems, but vitally needed by young families for school choice. Abortion has killed 60 million potential humans who would be working today to keep SS solvent. Dems have also created national debt that will someday come home to roost as either crushing inflation and interest rates or an endless stagnant economy.  And Dems are laying off people in the military, killing budding careers. With all this, why would any young person keep voting Dem?  Is the marijuana going to some people’s heads?   

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