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Monday, December 21, 2015

Crazy Weekend

This was Crazy Weekend, where all the men do last minute shopping for Christmas. No! Wait until the 24th and you can get all the bargains!

 Obama said last week in Paris that terrorism is caused by global warming.  Now he’s headed off to Hawaii.  Nice to see him go right to the source for the causes of terrorism.  Did you see the Democrats new poster girl for immigration?  She has that head scarf and was out there in San Bernadino. 

Speaking of Spanish names, you can’t blame Steve Harvey for getting mixed up at Miss Universe.  He saw Miss Phillippines last name was Wurtzbach and must have said, “This is a misprint!  How can a Kraut come from Phillippines? Let’s give it to Colombia instead.”  Well that didn’t work, so he says he just read it wrong.  Reminds me of the time George Anderson, World Fancy Dance Champion for 9 years was demonstrating technique to Po High students.  He was standing there in his feathers and the principal introduced him with a slip of grammar.  And George, long time Ponca City resident and member of Ponca Tribe said, “What do you mean, ‘I come here’?  Where did you go to school?  Po High?”  So where did Steve Harvey get his reading skills?  Public School?

I see where Amazon banned hooverboards because of all the injuries to youth.  Wow! That will make Obama mad.  He had given funding support to the company that makes them (name sounds like Solyndra) so that all the young will sign up for Obamacare. Hillary is claiming great things for Obamacare.  It has signed up 9 million new folks who didn’t have insurance before.  6 million of these were just poor people who had never signed up for Medicaid but who are eligible.  2 million were people who, through your generous taxpayer subsidies, couldn’t get insurance before, many drug-use related conditions.  1.1 million are newly insured who could have been insured but just never wanted it.  Plus, Hill is so happy with costs.  Premiums are up only 71% and deductibles are up 81% since 2010.  So it’s really a rousing success, isn’t it.  Wait until the employers are required to provide insurance which is $5000-13000 per employee—or just pay the $2000 penalty.  It is estimated that 60-90 million people will lose employer health insurance.  Great program, that Obamacare!

Gosh, it is too bad the Syrians have to flee to Europe and USA.  They don’t have any rich neighbors in the Middle East who can take them in.  You know, nice Muslim country they where they will feel at home and has oil riches.  Apparently no such country exists.  So we have to come to their rescue.  Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, pledged support for Muslim groups that publicly advocate Jihad to destroy America from within. Back in the 50’s when I was growing up, we called this Treason, but now some people are nuanced. They tell me I’m just an old fogey. Obama lectured us on “what we are all about” and “our values”.  Is this the guy who gives taxpayer money to some abortion outfit which sells baby organs for profit?

Oh, are you still Christmas shopping and need a last minute tip?  There’s a new Muslim Chatty Cathy doll out.  I think it talks, but everybody is afraid to pull her string in back. Good luck with your shopping.  I stopped into a restroom at Walmart and someone had put a piece of tape on the hand dryer which read, “Press for a short message from the President.”

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