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Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The Orioles, worrying about their name in consideration of the nearby controvery over the Redskins, have decided to stop using the mascot since it insinuates a half-breed cross between an Afro-American and John Boehner.  Hereinafter there are three choices of the new label: Rampagers, Rumblers, or Donnybrookers.

            You know they could have stopped that looting dead in it’s tracks (pun intended) had the businessmen formed a militia.  In Colonial days, every town and county had a militia for defense and policing.  So if police can’t stop or are ordered not to stop the looters, a half dozen guys with shotguns standing in the doorway just might.

            And what makes this utterly ironic is that Baltimore was saved by a militia.  1814 in the aftermath of a hurricane, the world’s most powerful army and navy were about to overtake the city.  Sam Smith a tall, lanky, white haired colonel quickly organized a militia who pulled destroyed boats out to the mouth of the harbor.  It blocked the British fleet.  They bombarded Ft. McHenry from afar, but the fort held.  The British army was slogging through the mud.  McHenry repelled the main column and Baltimore’s militia repelled the lesser one.  A war protester aboard a British warship, begging for release of an 80-year-old doctor who had been pressed into service, was so stunned at the outcome, he wrote a poem that became our national anthem.  And Sam Smith became associated with a caricature known as Uncle Sam.

            Now they can’t even defend the drug store.  Now we have to understand teenage rage.  Now the police retreat and the mayor says she is giving the protesters room to destroy things.  Worse, this is happening in Maryland, the richest state in USA with median income of almost $80,000 a year.  It is happening in a city with mayor and city manager and police chief all of African descent.  All are liberals.  Shouldn’t this be workers paradise or non-workers paradise or whatever?  No income inequality allowed. Hope their businesses come back to rebuild.  Won’t blame them if they don’t. 

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