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Monday, April 20, 2015

All the problems of the world solved

You always hear people say they solved all the problems of the world but they never do that.  Let me give it a try.

1.Taxes and spending  84% of all income tax is paid by the upper 20% of income earners.  The Republicans don’t want any tax hikes and want spending cut.  The Democrats say the rich aren’t paying their fair share.  Solution: Cut spending 16% and then collect only taxes on the upper 20%.  In other words, just forgive all tax liabilities of the lower 80% but live within your means.  Then the upper 20% pay 100% of all taxes which is about all you can do to pay a fair share.  And spending will be cut 16% while taxes remain the same. 

Oh, did I mention a constitutional amendment not to raise tax rates would be required.  Sorry, we’d have to have this lest the 80% show up next year at the voting booths just to tell the 20% how much more they wanted and hold them hostage to pay it.  That’s called Peronism and it is why Argentina, once with a per-capita income about like USA’s prior to WW I is now third world.

On second thought, maybe we should go to something else like the fair tax.

2.Middle East  I see that over 1 million refugees, almost all Christians have been forced from their homes into refugee camps in the Middle East.  Meanwhile ISIS has a radical reign. WWPD—What would Patton do?  Here’s how to fix this.  Take over a country with not too much population by force.  Send in the Marines, crack heads and then round up all the Muslims.  Swap them for the Christians in the refugee camps.  “Well, we have to solve this refugee problem and give Christians a place to live.  Sorry for the inconvenience.”  Then the new Christian nation could get arms and aid to forever defend against the Islamists.  Libya would be a good target since it has nice oil reserves.  And then if the Muslims in the Middle East continue to persecute Christians we might need to take over another country and swap personnel once again. “You guys get the picture?  If you don’t mistreat Christians, we will leave you alone. Otherwise you keep losing territory.”   What if ISIS just starts beheading?  Demand the specific lives of the deceased.  If they protest that they are all dead, say, “We are coming in to verify. You had better move because you don’t want be be part of the parking lot we are going to create.”

3.Congress and Money  So everyone gripes about how so much money is required to run for office in Washington.  But then the Congress likes their power and ability to shake down.  Here’s a fix.  The reason it takes over $1 million to win a House seat is the TV, Radio, Newspaper, Direct mail ads.  Otherwise no one knows you are running.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it say there must be 435 in the US House.  There could be 2435.  So let’s do that.  Then each Rep represents a district of about 100,000.  In districts of this size, about the same as an OK Senator, one must campaign by handshaking and face-to-face retail politics.  With 2435 members, the House begins to look more like the variations in America.  It would take a new electronic field-house sized chamber and some new rules on debate time would have to be in place. Individual Reps don’t have that much authority to dole out favors.   

            And the Senate?  Repeal the 17th amendment.  Make Senators answer to their respective states.  Right now they all think of themselves as a House of Lords and dream vaingloriously of running for President.  But if state legislatures had them on a short leash and some Senator doesn’t vote the way the state wants he/she would be subject to recall.  So much for the Prima Donna stuff.  And so much for the hideously expensive senate races—they would be appointed by states.

4.Climate Change So Manmade Climate Change threatens to make our planet a couple degrees hotter?  The latest research on historic volcanic eruptions shows that minor volcano eruptions like Pinatubo in 1992 erased about 40 years of Global Warming for a year.  Others like Laki in 1783 made the world 5C degrees colder for half a dozen years and caused the cold weather crop failures that led to the mass starvation that caused riots and the French revolution.  (Tambora in 1815 made such a cold summer in New England it froze fruit on trees in mid-summer) So for all you folks who want global cooling, the solution is easy.  Just nuke a volcano with high potential for eruption of a lot of sulphur—instant global cooling.  And of course you could evacuate the population beforehand so the world would be less likely to have another Pompeii.

            On the other hand, maybe it would be better if we just bought a box fan.  

5.Obama sneaking in non-treaties or getting them passed by the UN  Oh, no problem.  If the UN thinks they can pass stuff to make USA obey then just have Congress pass a law that takes away all foreign aid for any country which votes to impose a resolution on America.  Also rescind the Visas of their diplomatic staff.  Of course the UN would then have to move their headquarters to Somalia or somewhere where the diplomats can’t get haute cuisine at NY restaurants or penthouses overlooking Central Park.

            And if the Prez decides he can just make a “non-treaty” and not run it by the Senate for approval?  Just refuse to vote on any of his appointees until he allows a vote on the treaty.  Or alternatively, tell him he has to leave the country the way the British did to James II who thought he could just pay no attention to Parliament’s laws and pass his own by executive action. 

See this isn’t so hard.

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