First I
want to thank Princess Kate for having the baby and sparing USA from talking
about nothing but Trayvon Martin for the rest of the summer. I want to talk
about court cases and not about race.
Our President said when he walked across the street, car doors locked
due to all you racist people. Here’s my solution. Do not lock your car door when you see the
Prez coming. Hold your hand over your
wallet instead!
Gay Marriage ruling
Now lets
talk about gay marriage. A lot of people have changed their minds
about gay marriage in the last few years.
I had 3 gay roommates in my twenties. I don’t mind gays. But I’m still against gay
marriag for reasons of faith
court handed down what’s called a narrow
decision—means it won’t be used for precedents by lawyers. They simply
handed back the matter of Proposition 8 to the state of California and struck
down DOMA as being formed out of bias.
So I thought maybe you’d be interested in some statistics that are
1.7-6% of
population is gay
3-6% of
gay males are seeking or have found a permanent partner.
7% of all
males were molested as a child.
46% of gay
males were molested as a child.
86% of
child molesters (prison study) describe themselves as gay or bi
83% of
children molested in Catholic priest scandal were male
Clearly a problem with gay population and
molestation. Has huge implications with
recent Boy Scout ruling.
Name church denominations that support gay
ordination or marriage. Episcopal, UMC,
Reason so
few do is because of scripture: Lev.
18, Matt. 19, Rom. 13 noted that few pastors had much comment.
More recently, a lot more pastors have spoken out about the threat if churches
are required to marry gays or are sued for their beliefs. Is this the beginning of talk within our
churches about civic rights and duties, so long missing from the dialog?
Here’s my solution to the gay
stuff. Create a new adult leadership
position in each Boy Scout troop, the position of Gay Divorce Lawyer who would
report to partners of Gay Boy Scout Leaders. That’ll fix it.
v. Sibelius
Let me see
if I can explain in man-in-the-street terms the lawsuit OK has going against
Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) specifically states that the federal
government can only give subsidizes (in
the form of tax credits) if the state has set up an exchange. Oklahoma
declined to set up an exchange. But
Obama says that the feds will do it
anyway once they set up a federal exchange within the state. Attorney General Pruitt objected saying that
the ACA forbids such subsidies and filed the lawsuit.
So why did OK decline to do an exchange?
The way
the feds learn of a business not
providing health care is if an employee applies for a subsidy with an
exchange. The employer gets socked with
a $2000 penalty.
But there
may be sundry reasons for an employee applying.
Boss may not carry what the employee wants.
employee may do it out of stupidity. Or he might do it fraudulently. Medicare and
Medicaid have some of the highest fraud rates of any government program. Some state show 20+% of payments are
fraudulent. And considering the latest Obamacare
deadline postponement with people being asked an unaccounted income, is almost
certain to create massive fraud.
The upshot is that businesses get unwarranted
penalties and this threatens a state’s
states decided to not do exchanges and only 16 very blue states decided to play
along with Obamacare. And so Pruitt v.
Sibelius moves along it’s path to the Supreme Court. Holder tried to argue in another case that since the business mandate was being
postponed, the lawsuit should also be postponed. The 4th Circuit Court last week
slammed this idea --even more imperative to have a decision on Pruitt.
It could
get interesting. If OK wins, Obamacare, if not dead is
mortally wounded and only operable in 16 states.
Here’s my solution to the exchange
thing. Let’s exchange all the
Congressional Democrats for the doctors put out of business by Obamacare. Make
Coburn head of Senate Appropriations. No more deficit spending or ACA
Detroit Bankruptcy
declared Chapter 9. Immediately
Union-friendly county and state judges declared this unconstitutional. In
bankruptcy, leadership must stand aside and the court appoints a trustee to
take control of the entity. That trustee can re-do all contracts and wage
agreements.Hence Detroit can get rid of huge unfunded pension obligations. Also creditors may have claim on
non-infrastructure items like art works and museum collections. I don’t know about those salt trucks that
destroy cars. $18B in debt and $1B in income which compares to USA with $17T in
debt and $1.2T in income tax. We will see how this plays out.
Here’s my solution. Give Detroit to the 11million illegals. If you can fix and rebuild it, you are true
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