George finally won his trial in Florida.
The liberal media has made a career of his supposed guilt, whipping the
mob into a lynching frenzy each day on MSNBC.
And so when the verdict came, I naturally had to watch MSNBC to see what they had to
say. First was Al Sharpton who has added
this case to his Twana Brawley success. Sharpton is the epoxy guy. He makes sure that someone with a chip on their shoulder doesn't let it come off.
He was quick with a disclaimer of how the only reason he went to Florida
to agitate for the removal of the district attorney was the family’s sincere
pleas over the mismanagement of the police department. No, sir.
Al didn’t see this as a chance to gin up racial stuff. He didn’t see himself in the cameras and
limelight. He wasn’t interested except
to hold hands with this poor family. Al’s
a minister.
And then
came MSNBC’s bevy of commentators of African descent. All agreed that this trial would have had a
completely different outcome if there had been just one Afro-American on the
jury. Because the jury, evil bunch of
white Hispanics, could not know what black people have gone through. (“Nobody knows, da trouble I seen.”) In other words the jury didn’t buy the
template of an innocent and unarmed child of 17 who simply went to the store to
buy snacks and was walking home when he was gunned down in cold blood by the
crazy-ass cracker. Which reminds me, I am
a white Hispanic. We had a Mexican
foster daughter. I learned a lot about
Latino culture in the process. Have Mex
friends now. There you go. “White
exercise of having 9 different teenagers grow up under our roof of different
backgrounds, the mentoring of kids without moms and dads taught us a lot about development. Travon Martin was living with his mother in
Miami and visiting his dad in Sanford.
They were divorced and so he was a kid raised by a single mom. Travon had spent little time with his dad and
evidently had joined gangs in Miami. The
fighting culture and the troubles at school were not allowed as evidence in the
trial, though drug use was briefly noted in the toxicology report of the
autopsy. The defense lawyers said it was
unknown as to why Martin decided to begin beating up on Zimmerman. That’s quite
true. But if I could guess, I’d guess
that here was a young man, trying to prove himself by being ‘tough’ and
deciding to teach that crazy-ass cracker a lesson with his fists. If he had a close dad or uncle advising, they
would have taught him to “watch your fists and prove it some other respectable way.”
But just
as the race templaters had concerns about the lack of African representation of
the jury, I was a bit concerned that they were all females. Well, now that said, let's say that we appreciate the women who were on the jury. If Americans don't like jury duty and illegals do the jobs Americans don't want, do we put them on juries? However, do women understand men having fights? Female fights are mostly a war of words. Man fights are physical. Often it is hard to
say and fruitless to say who started it.
Some guy says something or gestures something that the other finds
offensive. Insulting words lead to a
push-off, then a fist flies and a take-down. Usually male fights don’t
escalate, because men realize what is at stake.
Somebody gets a sharp punch in, and the fight ends as quickly as it
starts. It is the females in nature who
fight to death over their threatened young--and young men who don’t know how
bad a true fight can turn out. Which is evidently
what happened when Martin pinned cousin George to the ground. Tragedy happens easily if you are foolish.
None of
this matters if the jury has the particulars of the case and the law in mind. None of the character assassination matters
either. It doesn’t matter if both guys
profiled one another, who followed who, what state of mind anyone was in. Maybe Zimmerman was a race-hater cop-wannabe
of the highest order. Maybe Martin was racist
too. What legally matters is what
happened in the fight. If Zimmerman was
threatened with his life or even great bodily harm, he’s desperate to defend
himself even to use a gun. Only Bob
Beckel disagrees with this. Burly Bob thought that Zimmerman was a wuss. He should have just taken a beating and laughed
it off. Just a little dust-up. Manly
fisticuffs. (Tell that to the women of
the jury!)
I also
understand the politicians. Sanford is
31% Afro. (Try not to think “S-A-N-F-O-R-D-period”)
The mayor and city fathers were scared of that voting block. So too was the governor of Florida who
decided that the duly-elected district attorney and sheriff didn’t know anything because they weren’t
charging Zimmerman with murder. The
Afro-American vote matters. Likewise our
President decided to cast a verdict 17 months ago. (It was a campaign year and any issue that
can gin up the vote) “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Nothing like identity politics. Hey, maybe I should say, “If I had a cousin,
he would look like George.”
'Didn't watch the trial. "A guy shoots another in Florida." What happens in Chicago every day & night? Who knows!. Well - yes, as a matter of fact, we do. But .....
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