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Monday, May 27, 2013

Levin for Special Prosecutor

Remember 1992, when the week before the Presidential election, Leonard Walsh who was special prosecutor for Iran-Contra announced his list of people to be prosecuted.  The result was that Bush 41 went from 3 points ahead in polls to 2 points down.  That was because Walsh was a partisan hack who chose the date to make his announcement to maximize effect—the October Surprise.  And then do you remember how in the succeeding months, all the accused folks beat their raps in courts.  Even Ollie North, supposedly the ringleader, who had 11 charges against him won on 9 counts and the judge dismissed the other 2. 


I’m thinking of this because they are calling for a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal.  When over 500 Tea Party organizations claim they were singled out by the IRS and no liberal groups were, it looks a bit fishy.  I say we nominate Mark Levin, a superb constitutional lawyer, to be special prosecutor.  He could turn this administration every which way but loose. 


Of course, if the Republicans can’t pin the tail on jackass Obama, then he gets by scot-free with big approval ratings.  For this reason, I think the R’s would do themselves a good turn by not going after Obama specifically, but rather to raise the rebellion against big government.  Which is what the Tea Parties are trying to do anyway.  Any government large enough to give you everything you want is also large enough to take it all away.  We need to hammer and hammer the point that big government isn’t helping.  Say, wasn’t the big government stimulus supposed to fix all the infrastructure?  Roads, bridges, potholes, free wi-fi, fast trains from LA to Los Vegas were supposed to appear as Shovel-Ready Projects, were they not? So why did that bridge fall down in Washington? Wasn’t it fixed? Never happened, because the feds gave the moolah to the states for keeping the pro-Obama union government workers hired and secure.  Did doubling the national debt help our economy?  Well, the new normal in recoveries is now 1% growth instead of 4% since government crowds out the private sector.  Fewer jobs but lots of entitlements until government figures out that they can’t afford such stuff. 


Big government with no responsibility has given us the EU.  The Economist says that the European leaders think they are now doing a well-managed reform but Economist says they are sleepwalking through an economic wasteland. Nothing is growing.  No jobs are being created.  More and more countries slip into recession.  The EU’s unemployment in a recovery is 12% (post-war high)and Spain’s is 27%.  Instead of Europe talking about emulating America, it’s the other way around.  Well, if that’s the case, I want voucher education like Scandinavia (which has some of the best education in the world.).


The worst offense of big government isn’t the economic stagnation.  It’s the loss of freedom.  The original Tea Party stunt was against unfair taxation. But the Declaration of Independence buries “no taxation without representation” in the middle of 22 other abuses of power. We should concentrate on the abuses too.  That’s what rouses people up.  IRS abuses will not be looked upon lightly.  Churches, told who they can have as ministers and what they can believe, will stand up in faith.  EPA killing small family businesses with regulation are stories with more legs. 


And concerning the traditional social issues there needs to be some new talk.  Why, oh why, when the Koran requires Muslims to “Pursue the infidels and beleaguer them. Cut off their heads and cut off their fingers.” (Sura 9:3) Why don’t we have a moratorium on Muslim immigration?  If jihadic Islam is normative Islam and all this talk about the peaceful religion is a concocted fake Islam--as the mullahs have been saying since that British soldier was killed, the Boston bombings, and the Swedish riots---then is it not a political movement intertwined with a religious fanaticism?  Shouldn’t we give Chechen rebels about as much immigration approval as say, a radical communist or a Nazi?


Why doesn’t Congress pass hard-hitting resolutions decrying loss of freedom when churches are told what to believe?  When czars are put in place with no advice and consent of Congress?  When the Justice Department refuses to uphold the laws of the land like DOMA?  When the federal government tries to tell a private company they cannot move a plant to S. Carolina?  When bankruptcy laws were trashed and the auto companies were gifted to the UAW?  This is indeed the tyranny  around the corner.  Just wait.  When a government that thinks, no one is watching, and it can get away with these kinds of things, will violate unreasonable seizure  of the 4th Amendment and take part of your 401K.  They’ll propose making political opinion radio conform to “equal time”.  They’ll label evangelical Christians in the Army as religious extremists.  Ooops! They’ve already proposed these things. Gosh, I dunno, they might try to take your ammunition supplies.
Well, if Congress won't do it, Levin would.  We need somebody to talk plain.

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