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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Demolish Oblamer with ju jitsu

Obama’s secret is now becoming clear.  He scaremongers and crab-asses from the sidelines.  Amazingly he has turned the tables on the party out of power and managed to mimic their game of critiquing from the back row.  What should the R’s do when we have a President who seems to content himself with bashing them for not doing his job--leading the country?  After all, the Republicans have no power to lead. They have only a slim majority in the House. 

Ju-jitsu is how the Republicans win it. 

First of all, this swell game of Obama’s is not playing so well over the last two weeks.  He is beset with scandals.  Here’s the chance to flip the tables on Obama’s arguments.  No matter what the explanation, it is clear that tax officials singled out the president’s opponents for abuse.  How can he then persuade Americans of the virtues of bigger government if the IRS is politically biased? Hence his chief argument is wearing thin.  Realizing this, Obama is trying to say that he is disdainful of what the IRS did.  But in the coming weeks there will be testimony showing that the IRS has a built-in distrust of conservatives, that the scope of targeting which the administration claimed is far wider and more insidious, and that he didn’t do a darned thing to stop it.  This  isn’t going to play well for him.  And unlike Bengazi where he might make a few drone strikes against the consulate attackers (and proudly say ‘we got Al Anser Sharia’ just like he proudly said, ‘we got bin Ladn.”) there is no fix of the IRS without a massive reform that Congress might demand.  So that’s item 1: Demand massive IRS changes be made—or even tax reform to a fair tax-- perhaps holding Obamacare hostage to the assurance that IRS become fair in their assessments.  Secondly, use Bengazi and AP scandals to harass. Flip the tables on him.


By making Obama’s scandals the headlines and tying them to his lack of leadership, he is forced out of his catbird seat of Non-leadership Critic in Chief.   Ju-jitsu point #2 : Make him propose something to fix the messes.  This is what Obama apparently doesn’t do or hates doing.  He rarely creates a solution.  He never wrote legislation as a Senator.  He let others write Obamacare.  He didn’t do an immigration reform.  He talks a big act about all these things including entitlement reform, but never proposes his own solutions.  Now it may be that Obama thinks he can’t work with Republicans, but his legacy depends on him trying.  And the longer he delays, the more leverage he loses.  I predict that he will do only the minimal. He is a man without solutions.  His game is to blame R’s for everything. 


So what do you do with a leader who won’t lead but just criticizes?  Be patient and offer your own solutions even though doomed in passage.  Patience.  Wait for a crisis to strike. Our debt will either cause no-growth or inflation.  Make sure Obama is in charge of this, by reminding the American people that a Republican House passed a budget every year that would have led to balanced budgets within a few years.  Foreign crisis or a 9/11 event?  Remind the public that Republicans had policies of containment of certain dangerous countries.  Obama pronounced the war on terror over like Mission Accomplished and it led to a mess. Obamacare?  Refuse to amend it or fix it.  Let it stand or fail on it’s own merits.  Tie it around the Democrat’s necks.  Point out that R’s had passed numerous repeals.  Here’s the salient point.  When times are good, people don’t like to think about policies.  But when times are bad, they clamour for each side to tell what they are going to do. If something bad happens to a guy in power, he has a hard time explaining how he will fix it since he’s already in charge.


And what of the 3 big issues that need addressing in Congress—immigration, entitlements, tax reform?  Ju-jitsu #3.  Pass a House plan in each case but don’t compromise on key parts.  On immigration reform, don’t compromise the border security or Visa overstaying strictures.  Those must come first, ahead of citizenship.  On entitlement reform, offer to raise retirement age but not payroll taxes and point out that the political gimmick of lowering payroll taxes for one year made the system less solvent.  On tax reform, the Dems want all sorts of money grabs to raise more revenue.  Value added taxes will kill business.  Corporate taxes already make it hard for US businesses to compete.  Taxing everyone’s IRA or 401k is an fascist asset grab.  And raising taxes of the rich did pitifully nothing to help our deficits.  All the Dems use them for is to soften up the middle class for a tax hike that is coming unless we cut spending.  Here’s the point.  Don’t let Oblamer blame you.  Point out your solutions and show how you tried to work with him but he was AWOL.


And that reminds me, the R’s need to reclaim the role of the opposition party out of power.  Boil down their rhetoric into more understandable terms.  Do the American people realize that an average health care policy costs $5000 per worker and has gone up $3000 since Obamacare was passed, and will likely go to $10,000 by 2016 and all because of government mandates?  Who is going to pay for this?  Do the people realize that 16% of small businesses think the tax system is fair and 89% of us pay for help doing our taxes spending $168 billion each year?  It’s a too-complicated  mess when the IRS collects only 8 times that much. Time for a fairer system. Do the people realize that Muslim Brotherhood, which now runs Egypt, is the parent organization that oversees Al Qaeda?  Why are we giving them aid? Do they know that the Quran, not radicalization, demands jihad and maybe we need a moratorium on Muslim immigration? 

We need a plain-spoken spokesman who connects with real people the way Sarah Palin did. 

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