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Thursday, September 24, 2015


This pope makes me so glad that I am a Protestant.  Whatever happened to John Paul II and his writings about the walk of faith?  This guy talks 3rd base exclusively.  Let me explain.  Rick Warren took the 5 principles of the Christian life from the Great Commission and Great Commandment of Jesus and arranged them into a symbolic baseball diamond. Pitcher’s Mound is Worship, 1st is Fellowship, 2nd is Discipleship, 3rd is Service, Home plate is Witnessing the Gospel.  All Francis seems to talk about is serving other people. We must welcome more Muslim refugees into our country.  We must welcome Latin Americans (Which he is and this makes his church grow in USA—self-serving motivation?) We must solve income inequality. (Didn’t communism do that by making everyone dirt poor or dead?)

Oh, and global warming. I guess we’ll just have to sort our tin cans and drive little Fiats.  He neglects to talk about the 90,000 Christians who have been massacred in Syria and Iraq, the persecution of Sudan, Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa, or any plea to America that it is the only country that could organize an alliance and do something about such atrocities.  We don’t get a call to get back to the basics of confessional faith in a modern world, and abortion gets a euphemism about the sanctity of life.  Jesus talked about money and what it does to a person’s life more than any other topic in scripture, but Francis never tells the left to start giving. Nor universal fellowship of all Christians, nor any call to repent on a personal level.
No passion.  I listened to part of his sermon to Congress on radio and nearly dozed off. Boehner got all weepy, but it just left me flat.  Shouldn't a guy with a message that brings life to sure death, heaven to sure hell, be a little worked up about it?  That, after all, is why they dubbed it gospel, "Good News!"

Glad there’s more to my faith than global warming and income inequality.    


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