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Friday, September 4, 2015

Kim Davis

They were having a conniption fit on MSNBC over the jailing of Kim Davis, Rowan County, KY County Clerk who refused to sign marriage certificates for homosexuals.  So why don’t any of the pundits say the obvious?  We have a Supreme Court which says that the 14th amendment of the Constitution authorizes gay marriage. And a Christian who, following Orthodox Christian teaching and her own walk with the Holy Spirit refuses to sign ‘em.  To jail someone and demand they violate their own faith is a violation of the free exercise clause of the 1st Amendment.  Conflicting laws.  Ergo: the state has to change its way of doing gay marriages. Stop requiring someone who might be a Christian to violate their walk with God. Require state seal, witnessed signatures or some other hocus-pocus instead of a signature by the clerk.

            The learned panel on MSNBC (ahem!) said that she should be punished even worse, given fines she will never be able to repay and thus force her hand to sign her name.  Well, one calmer person said she should just resign.  They were aghast that, as an elected official, she had to be impeached and likely the KY legislature wouldn’t impeach her.  They probably agree with her.  Everybody, and I mean everybody was cock sure that no one on the right would support religious liberty if it was Hindu or Islam.  One pundit got his underwear in a wad because she was claiming free speech had been violated. 

            May I point out that it is not the free speech clause of A1 that is violated.  It is the free exercise of religion clause.  Another way to say it is that “Liberty” was violated.  Liberty was the word coined by John Locke to mean the ability of one to follow the inner voice, the Holy Spirit, the religious conscience (equated with the work of the Holy Spirit by Apostle Paul and the writer of Hebrews).  Liberty is the thing that is guaranteed in the Declaration-- “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  To violate someone’s liberty is to risk violating God’s relationship with one of His children. People will fight to death over loss of Liberty.  “Give me liberty or give me death” was no idle threat. Thus we don’t require Conscientious Objectors or Mennonites to fight in War or demand Muslims serve alcohol or insist that Hindus eat beef.

            Well, I say that people might fight for liberty but I don’t really know, maybe modern people would just wuss out.  As Dietrich Bonhoeffer told some pastors who came to visit him in a Nazi prison, “Why aren’t you here, too?”  I doubt that neither the MSNBC pundits or many moderns read Leviticus 18 or Jesus’s words of Matthew 19, let alone believe them to be the inspired word of God.  

            My prayers are with Kim.  I pray for her strength.  Why, oh why, do new Christians often face a test like this, I don’t understand.  God only knows.  It happened to the Phillippians and Ephesians, the first Japanese Christians, the Yangtze River kids who hardly knew a scripture passage when the communist goons lined them up in ditches and massacred them.

            All I know is that this isn’t the America.  I once knew America. Must be some other tyrannical place.   



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