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Saturday, January 31, 2015

NO the judges

You hear people constantly lauding the notion of term limits.  At the same time they often don’t like lib judges and their decisions.  But come election time, there are a dozen judges on the ballot and voters just mindlessly vote to retain them all.  Well, they often whine, they don’t know who these people are.  I have a suggestion.  If you don’t know any judges, vote to dismiss them all.  Then the current governor, who you do know and you did elect has power to appoint. 

Now if you know a judge’s record and you agree with his/her decisions, that’s a good reason to retain.

NO on all judges you don’t know should be a default of any thinking voter. And it should be a Republican political movement in OK.  Then we wouldn’t have dinosaurs in high places telling us we need to accept sharia law—like the decision that nullified a state question which passed by 81% two years ago.  Moreover,  we could have Governor Fallin replenish the courts.  Right now, we have holdover appointments from years of Dems.  These judges are often intent on ruining the current Republican revolution.  But even beyond the partisanship, you should vote to term limit a judge whom you know nothing about.  Automatically voting to re-elect is like a Stalin election. If you get a new job in the private sector, is your tenure guaranteed forever?  So why do people auto-vote to retain? 
              I should get some yard signs made.  “NO the judges except…” I figure we could  plant about 100,000 of these around the state and let people make hand signs next to this that list judges they think need retaining.   

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