This Huff Post blog by Dr. Steven McSwain
asks us conservatives to be honest. See if you get as mad as I do reading it.
He is trying to say that if a Republican President had achieved the following
we’d all be celebrating and that all on the right oppose Obama brainlessly.
I’m asking for a little honesty here. That’s all,
regarding Obama’s Leadership. For most white, middle-to-upper class folks in
America, life right now could not get much better and, for some, it would be
challenging to point to times when things were any better than they are now.
When have you seen gas prices this low? It’s been a long time. A very long
time. A little honesty, please. When did you ever see the stock market any
higher? Never. Not in a long time. Never has it been as high as it is now.
Imagine if Obama was not black and a Republican. What do you think
conservatives would be saying about him, given just the two examples above? A
little honesty here…that’s all I’m asking for… Why they would unapologetically
call his presidential leadership an example with no equal in modern history.
Furthermore… When did unemployment get this low? It has not for long time, if
my memory has any worth left to it. Oh sure, we need better paying jobs and
higher hourly wages but, come on, I’m just asking for a little integrity here
among the very anti-Obama public. And, that seems to include more than just FOX
And then he
goes on to ominously stereotype us.
I may not be right about many things. But I
have this sinking suspicion there are lots of people in this country who do not
like Obama and it has nothing to do with his leadership. Instead, it has
everything to do with the color of his skin. I have another suspicion, too. The
suspicion that, if Obama had a different skin color and were anything but a
Democrat, his leadership of this country would be hailed by many on the
so-called “right” as nothing less than proof of the resurrection and the
incarnation of Ronald Reagan himself.
Alas poor
Vitriol, I knew thee well. Okay, I
accept the challenge to be painfully honest.
(The grammar checker on my computer, however, is screaming abuse over
McSwain’s first paragraph.) First of all, if there were a lot of stock market
indices that were soaring, the wise conservative investors would repeat that
old adage, “Don’t confuse brains with a bull market.” That is, stocks go up. Stocks go down. Just because you make money doesn’t make you
a genius. And Presidential genius doesn’t correlate with an up-market either. Maybe a few chamber of commerce types would
feel good but most R’s would just shrug.
Remember they did that under both Bushes who presided over fabulous
markets. Second, I would predict that if
an R had caused the markets to soar by pumping national debt, bailing out
megabanks while killing small bankers who do most of the lending, and connived
the Fed Quantitative Easings leaving $3 trillion in limbo, the conservatives
would at best be very nervous and at least would refer to the R. Prez as a
If the gas
prices had fallen by way of fracking while the leader had drug in his heels like
Obama, they would be lauding the free market oil finders and calling for a
primary challenge ASAP. They’d say the free market succeeded in spite of the Man.
In other
words, conservatives are looking for freedom, not riches. Sure, any dictator can pump money into his
oligarch buddies. See Putin for point
of reference. See Goldman Sachs for Obama campaign funds.
The second
honest point is that the way to win conservative votes is to do the issues
right. This is why we argue about Rand
Paul vs. Paul Ryan or Mitt vs. Santorum.
We all have strong views on the issues and accomplishments.
Not so the Libs who are very personality driven. This is why the Left adores
a former First Lady in charge of taming Bimbo Eruptions, as Senator she never
authored a bill, and as Sec. of State handed the Russians a damned reset
button. (Say, how’s that Putin reset working for you?) They are mystified about why the
conservatives can’t stomach Obama.
Therefore, they must be a bunch of racists! “Sinking suspicions” indeed!
So what does
the party of Lincoln think racially? I
would honestly observe that most of the R’s in Okieland thought Obama was first
mislabeled as “black” when in fact he is mixed race, like most Okies. Why then didn’t we vote for some guy who is
just brown and mixed in race like 58% of Oklahomans? It was because his ideas were way left, his
Christianity was Jeremiah Wright, his politics was fascist/socialist, and his
friends were Bill Ayers and crew. Other than that we give him credit for liking
golf and wish he were a Thunder fan.
Could he just stay out on the course until January 2017, PLEASE?
Thiink about
this. If Republicans or conservatives or
Tea Partiers are racist, why haven’t I heard a racist joke in 5 years from any
of these people with which I intermingle? If they really are racists, why do they adopt
kids with African heritage? Intermarry? And
if we are so partisan, why does Oklahoma have more registered D’s than R’s but
votes Red all the time?
And if we
are so closed-minded, why do we read Huffington Post?
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