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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Know your lib friends

Campaign year. Sun Tzu said, “One must completely understand his adversary.”  So I begin by thinking about who liberals/progressives are and how they think.  This is very useful knowledge when you are walking house to house in a campaign.  We target Republicans and Independents, but sometimes come face to face with strident Dems who just purchased the house leaving the voter list outdated.  I rather relish these discussions. Being in the hotel business leaves you with a taste to converse with absolute strangers, agreeable or not, and try to make them agreeable.  Small talk.  Prince Charles is a master of this art of becoming instantly familiar and pleasantly affecting the person you speak with. But it has a political twist as well. Polls show that most partisans don’t bring up issues in mixed company.  They only talk to their comrades.  Too bad.  Some people need to be made to think.

            Above all else, libs think they are superior to the rest of humanity. Rich libs are unbelievably snobbish.  They promote immorality, endorse criminals, espouse taxation, and make a religion out of environmentalism just to show their power and aristocracy.  They know their seaside villa will still be there as the country is fundamentally transformed, so they giddily fool with the little people’s lives.  The middle class, beset by the tempest of life, have only one sure defense, their abiding belief in God who is over all things.  That’s why religious people drive libs crazy. 

            Trying to counter people of faith, libs promote casual sex relentlessly.  Hollywood has many stories of single women happily having casual sex and children out of wedlock.  Lots of movie sex but not many venereal diseases, depression over abortions, and bitter divorces--the usual outcome of such behavior.  And just to show the law is beneath their omnipotence, (if you have enough money you can hire the best lawyers and often get off)  they adopt truly demented criminals and predators.  It’s just the police they hate. And merely to feel superior to people with less money, they enjoy pitying the poor.  The Middle Class has rules of conduct and thrift as a way of getting ahead.  Rich libs disdain such petty things.  Why, they enjoy paying taxes!  It separates them from the coupon clippers.  It shows how loaded they are that they don’t even worry about high taxes.  How superior!  And most of all they are environmentalists.  Environmentalism is a way to push back against the acquisitive middle class and their new money.  Don’t obstruct our view.  Don’t drill Alaska; we are so rich we don’t care what the fuel bill is.  The Dems rake in enormous donations from trial lawyers and Hollywood moguls while the R’s get most of their donations from successful small businessmen and evangelicals--$25 to $500 at a time. 

            What the jet set is most insecure about is their ability to love.  And so compassion consists of pulling a voting lever for some candidate with some nonsensical scheme of taking money from the middle class (who are termed “rich”) and giving it to the poor (who are often the mismanagers of their own lives).  People who are secure in their beliefs and purposes, find a snob misguided or insufferable, such as when snobs sneer at the inferiority of others.  Conservatives are anti-elitist.  Ask yourself, who is more likely to have a beer with a truck driver, Chris Christy or Barbara Streishand?

            It is extremely important for libs to demean anyone they oppose.  Name-calling substitutes for a cogent argument.  Anyone, whether rich or poor or whatever can apply for membership in the ranks of liberalism.  You just have to think yourself superior—smarter, more artistic, more global, etc.-- than that band of dumb hick Republicans. Doesn’t matter if you can make a solid argument.  Libs don’t bother with logical persuasion as long as they can prey on emotions and people’s sense of weakness.  This is how the libs use the race scare card on minorities, the heartless card on single mothers. And my do they think a conservative is dumb!  Reagan was dismissed so vociferously, I swear it created a new medium of conservative talk radio when the dominant mainstream media did nothing to defend the most popular president since TR against the onslaught of bile.  Amusingly, the only R who isn’t a dope, according to a Lib, is a failed candidate.  Reagan and W. are the most hated men by the Left.  On the other hand Bob Dole, failed campaigner from the start, is remembered somewhat paternalistically and so is John McCain.  McCain was 5th from the bottom of his bachelor’s degree class at Anapolis. George W. Bush was in the upper third of both undergraduate Yale and graduate Harvard.  But Bush was called an idiot and McCain is at least worth listening to, the libs tell us.

            This is getting long.  Will write more tomorrow.  First thing to remember when you campaign and find a holier-than-thou, smarter-than-thou liberal, is to be humble and aw-shucks.  Then what becomes a fun game is to listen and ask questions like Colombo. Suddenly they realize you see right through their diatribe and have driven home a major point.  Then just stay pleasant and give them some information and leave them to sort out their thoughts. 

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