Libs hate the rich. The ones at church make me really nervous
when they voice this. Isn’t that a sin
against the last commandment? “Well, the
rich don’t pay their fair share! They got
their money by crooked means!” Somehow
that is supposed to excuse covetousness. And to be fair, I guess a government-adoring
liberal only notices the unfairness of some having what they don’t. But if it’s unfair to have something, we need
to move back into the huts and give everything to the people of Malawi.
It gets even worse with Christians
who are liberal. Their concept of the
American Dream to is to get money and have security like those evil rich people
do. Uh, whatever happened to having a Christian walk with God? The ability to honor the Almighty by
following your dreams and talents? Nope. The Lib Dream is to just have security and
means. (Notice this next time the topic comes up on television with some
pundits. Most will not be able to
articulate the American Dream beyond having a cushy life.) So where did they
get this?
I trace it to Nobilesse Oblige.
“Obligation of the nobles”. In the medieval world, it was taught that
there were subhuman ignobles (95% if population) and nobles (2%). Nobility thought themselves genetically superior
in all aspects—morality, intellectually, cleanliness, etc. They were the original “superior Aryan race”
guys. But then came the gun which
negated the lifetime of training to be a noble knight. Then peasants became merchants and if they
played their business cards just right, they had a new means of wealth aside
from land control. Suddenly too, there
were peasant revolts, nationalism and worried nobles. Those serfs were doing some nasty things with
the guillotine. Conclusion of the
superior-believing nobles was nobilesse
oblige. If they were truly superior humans and had resources, why, then they could share a bit of that wealth and
opportunity with those lesser dogs of humanity.
Do this and it not only may save yoru neck, it gives you one-upmanship
on your fellow nobles. Rich guy with common touch. Thus the Kennedys were born.
As the power of nobles declined and
egalitarianism gained, the obligation changed to include all rich people. They became obligated to “give back” to the
society which made their riches possible.
Or as Obama puts it, “You didn’t build that.” Never mind that the barbaric medieval notions
of a super race of nobles was diametrically against the Christian gospel of
Jesus who taught that ALL had sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And
that God respects no man. (Nobles compartmentalized this as pertaining only to
spiritual matters). And He taught that
giving must not be “liberalitus” (giving out of obligation) but “charitus”
(free gift, no strings attached—as God gives us salvation—as in the parable of
the hirelings).
The Roman Catholic church allied
itself to kings. But they kept kings in
their place by a theology of evil rich/venerated poor. When kings fell, it reflected badly on the
church. So Leo in 1891 wrote Rerum Novarum, in which a “new kingdom” of social
justice was to take place. Now, extend
the commands of Jesus to government and you get Robin Hood politics—take from
the rich and give to the poor. Never mind that it violates that rich person’s
stewardship of property concerning his own walk with God. Compassion is now determined by which voting
lever you pull. Voting levers really make a loving person! This is why libs give so little to charity compared to
conservatives. They feel they have
already achieved charity by voting for big government entitlements.
But Jesus answered, “And who is my neighbor?”
by telling a story about “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and
fell among thieves…” Charity begins at home—and in your own heart, not with
someone else’s money.
What then shall we say to someone we meet who
has all kinds of vituperation inside concerning the rich? I usually tell them
that some guy in Paraguay wants their car.
Some guy in Mozambique thinks we are evil and unfair since we have
3 meals a day. And Starbucks! Gosh, you should go home and make barley coffee like they did in the Depression. People in
America on welfare have an average of 1.7 TV’s per person, a cell phone, and
96% have refrigerators. Can you match that? Doesn’t that
make you one of the Evil Rich? The lib will probably accuse you of changing the
subject from the Rich in America.
Okay, so say we soak the rich with
taxes. Government becomes dependent on
getting a big chunk from the Rich. Doesn’t
that put the Rich and the Powerful of Government in Cahoots? Co-dependents? Is this why 9 or the 11 richest Senators are
Democrats? And doesn’t that old song go,
“the rich get richer and the poor get children.” So why do liberal women have 1.6 children
while conservatives have 2.8? You don’t see Hillary with a raft of young'uns even if she did come from Arkansas.
And maybe all those high-dollar athletes and
entertainers should play for minimum wage. After all, unlike corporate CEOs
they don’t create jobs and have thousands of people working for them and
dependent on their salaries.
Hey, didn't we try everyone making the same salary? It was called USSR. The workers there had a saying, "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us." Is that an economic system?
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