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Saturday, July 14, 2012

OMG and the Senate too

OMG—Obama Must Go!

On you can find the following “true but hard to believe” reports today.

Obama is going to introduce new Title IX regulations to limit the number of men who can take science, technology, engineering and math classes.  Because men often take science and math careers, they are in higher demand and women make average lower wages.  My jaw hit the floor when I read this.  Physicists and Engineers continue to be 80% male just as when I graduated.  So The American Dream of becoming what you want to be will soon be no longer possible. Mommas don’t let your baby boys grow up to be rocket scientists.  Find this at

Obama has removed the work requirement that is the key to the welfare reform passed by Congress under Clinton.  So we are back to generation after generation on welfare.  Able-bodied welfare recipients won’t eventually have to find work. Find this at

Obama’s Justice Department censors (or demands) what reporters may quote from public briefings. This was proclaimed this week.

Now just ponder the meaning of such events.  These latest decrees only add to an long list of times the administration simply “discovered” a new interpretation to an old law or disregarded what is considered normal practice, or declined to obey some law—just so they could make up a new policy by executive fiat.  They called Romney a felon, but what shall we call Obama?  The reign of Mussolini comes to mind.  A popular prime minister in 1922 when he was elected, Benito began to have little patience with the constraint of law, and gradually began to assume the role of dictator in the 1930’s. Jefferson would surely have called this a tyrant. (Didn’t we fight a war against this?)

Okay look at another issue, the national debt.  In 1980 the median household income was $37,000.  For 2012 it is $45,000.  So we have gained, but not in constant dollars.  Since 2007, income has actually decreased.  Now look at the following chart. 

Year                 debt per person

1980                 $11,000

1992                 $23,000

2000                 $22,000

2006                 $24,000

2012                 $51,000

So while our real incomes have not risen, our debt per person has nearly quintupled.  A Democrat would say that Reagan really increased the debt, that Clinton reduced it.  Don’t take me for a fool!  It correlates perfectly with Congresses.  Dems and Tip O’Neill were in charge of congress through 1994, more than doubling the debt.  It went down from 1994 to 2000 because of the Republican congress and balanced budgets.  2000-2002 the Senate was D and House was R.  Then from 2002-2006 both houses were R. Debt swelled but not by much.  2006 the Dems took over again and look what happened.

            Here’s the big problem.  Spain has a median income of about $25,000 compared with USA at $45,000.  But their debt per person is $19,000.  Ours is almost triple that amount. Spain now has 25% unemployment, riots by government workers facing pay cuts of about 10% in order to bring the budget into balance, and interest rates over 10% because the international lenders don’t have confidence in the country.  Why would our situation escape this?  So what would Jefferson say?

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."-- Thomas Jefferson

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -- Thomas Jefferson

“We need a Republican Senate in the worst way.” – Grant Me Freedom

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