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Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Campaign to Kill Obamacare

While everyone talked about the mandate to buy insurance in Obamacare, PPACA,  I think we should tell about some of the other horrors.  It will be big news to your friends, especially the Dems.

Obamacare brings in a national database that tromps over 200 years of statutory restrictions on sharing medical records, tax records, and correspondence.  With a click of a button, here’s what anyone with access can learn about you.  (I made it into twin acronyms, HIRE TGIF)

Health and medical records (like the stuff 2 centuries of courts have said cannot be admitted as evidence)

ID information (like the stuff you guard so your identity isn’t stolen)

Religious and political records (remember that cult you hung around in 1969?)


Telephone and computer usage

Genetic codes

Information on purchasing and your lifestyle

Financial and tax records

Violation of 4th and 5th Amendments is implicit in this database—“unreasonable seizure” and the right to intellectual property.

Health Care exchanges.  This is weird topic and your brain goes batty trying to read the specifics.  But here’s the gist.  To shift the costs of paying for the now uninsured 30 million or so to the states, you have to charge the insured more.  And to make sure they don’t duck this, the government has to have strict templates on what kind of insurance is sold.  A Health Care exchange (like a stock exchange) is where you go to buy the “allowed” kinds of insurance.  The dream of the authors is to have only one policy, the government one-size-fits-all policy available, so the exchanges will continue to limit options until that happens. 

Now comes the stranger-than-strange parts of HC exchanges as written in PPACA.  If a state doesn’t set up an exchange, the feds will do it on behalf of the contrary state.  Federal HHS will then impose about double the number of Medicaid recipients that are now on Medicaid (putting most of the lower middle class on ‘welfare medicine’) But somebody who wrote about the exchanges forgot something.  The feds can only subsidize policies through state set-up and state run exchanges, not the ones HHS sets up.  Then the Supreme Court ruled that if states don’t want this Medicaid expansion, they can opt out and the Feds cannot blackball states that want this.  So a lot of states, maybe all but a few highly liberal ones, will probably opt out.  They don’t have the funds to pay this massive expansion of Medicaid.  Employers with more than 50 employees are required to have a company health policy or pay fines.  But again, Igor the socialist congressional aide, forgot a provision.  This penalty is only imposed if one of those employees falls into the subsidized-by-feds category.  Hence no exchange, no subsidies and no employer penalties.  So if a lot of states opt-out, PPACA falls apart in funding.

Remember we were told 3 important facts when Obamacare was being sold.  1. It would improve access, 2. If you like your situation, you can keep it. 3. It’s not a tax.  Well it turns out access and keeping your doc is falling by the wayside rapidly as doctors quit or plan to quit, hospitals are threatened financially.  Then Supremes called the whole thing a tax law.  And so it is, $4.2 trillion cost over 10 years on 155 million households equals $2800 per household per year. And it’s almost not a graduated tax whatsoever.  The guy who makes $30,000 a year pays $2085 and folks making over $250,000 pay about $3000.  21 taxes on everything from investment gains to bio-diesel to medical devices to Flex Savings Accts used by parents of special needs kids.

Obamcare also set us a vast bureaucracy of 47 federal agencies and 55000 federal workers, 16000 IRS agents.  (Called creating jobs?)

The First Amendment is violated.  If you have religious beliefs against abortifacients, it still makes your policy pay for those. But now that the law has been held to be a tax, there is a 200 year old precedent that a third party cannot be made to pay a tax bill.  That is, the insurance companies cannot be made to pay for what the church will not.   

Okay, so what can we do?  First states should opt out of the Medicaid expansion and not set up a Health Care Exchange.  It is also recommended that Oklahoma encode constitutional restrictions in our own state’s database of med records, OHIET.  Some have said that the entirety of PPACA can never be repealed.  Well, let’s try anyway.  If Obama is re-elected the act could be taken down in stages—the database, the unconstitutional claims on the citizenry, end-it-don’t-mend-it for the exchanges, and finally what’s left is next to nothing worthwhile so we could repeal after mortally wounding the law.  In the wake of repeal we should enact market-based solutions and reforms that let patients have more choice, as many Republicans have proposed.  And of course the best solution is to vote out the President and every sympathizing Democrat from dogcatcher on up.  Especially members of the House of Lords…er, I mean the Senate.   

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